About the Event
EventGroups and Classes
We believe that water baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as his or her Savior.
If you have made a decision to follow Christ and have not yet been baptized, we encourage you to take this next step.
To learn more about the water baptism process at Crossroads, click here.
STEP #1: Interest Form
- Complete the GET BAPTIZED FORM
STEP #2: Informational Class
To register for a class Click to Register
- Sunday | April 27
- East Hartford, 12:00pm, Room 203
- East Windsor, 9:00am, Room 203
- Sunday | August 24
- East Hartford, 12:00pm, Room 203
- East Windsor, 9:00am, Room 203
- Sunday, October 19
- East Hartford, 12:00pm, Room 203
- East Windsor, 9:00am, Room 203
STEP #3: Baptism Ceremony
Baptism Ceremonies will be held as listed below. After completing the informational class, and submitting your testimony, you will be informed which service you are scheduled to be baptized in.
- Sunday, May 18 | Both Campus Locations, during services
- Friday, September 5 | Outdoor Night of Worship, East Windsor
- Sunday, November 2 | Both Campus Locations, during services
For more information, contact Community Care at communitycare@myccc.church.