Are you motivated to share your faith in Jesus Christ?
Since then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. …for Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:11,14,15 NIV
We live in a highly motivated world. People are inspired and driven by many different things. In the working world, performance and productivity count if you want to climb the ladder of success. In the pleasure world, highly stimulating, fast-paced, action-oriented past times trigger people’s interest. Some people are motivated to make a name for themselves while others are inspired to do what they can do behind the scenes.
Becoming motivated about something is key to experiencing fulfillment. Much is being said and written about motivation. Books, magazines and internet articles are plentiful. You can attend seminars or higher educational institutions that cost big bucks in order to become informed and motivated.
What motivates you? More importantly what is the most important motivation for a believer, like yourself, who loves God with all of his or her heart, soul, mind and strength? The Apostle Paul provides the answer when he wrote the Corinthian Christians a second letter. In the above Scripture section, Paul testified that he tries to persuade people to become believers because he is overwhelmed by the love Jesus Christ has for him. Christ’s love compelled him. In other words, Christ’s love moved him or pushed him to persuade people to place their life into the hands of Jesus Christ, the one who died and arose from the dead to prove He is God.
If only believers today were driven by the same compulsion as Paul. How exciting it would be! I am confident that we would see many people become Christians on a regular basis just as in New Testament times. [Acts 2:47] Wouldn’t it be thrilling to hear your Pastor say that there will be weekly baptismal services for new believers?
What will stimulate Christians to consistently share their faith? What would give you the incentive Paul had to daily seek opportunities to share the Good News? Here are 4 reasons that can highly motivate you to share your faith in Jesus Christ. I have personalized them….
- Jesus died for me which proved how much He loves me.
- Jesus loves everybody as much as He loves me.
- What Jesus did for me He can do for anybody.
- Everybody needs Jesus as much as I do.
Those 4 facts drive me every morning of my life to see a world filled with people who need the Good News. I wake up knowing that I am here on this earth, this day, to share Christ’s love and forgiveness in words and deeds with anyone.
Just ponder about Jesus Christ dying for you. Suppose someone was trying to take your life but another person stepped in to take the blow in order to save you. Imagine if that person died while saving your life. I am quite sure that an experience like this would compel you to share with people how this person had saved your life. And that is exactly what Jesus Christ has done for you. He “stepped in to take the blow” for your sin so that you could be forgiven and given eternal life.
Here is another consideration. Imagine if you were drowning and somebody jumped in the water to save you. Suppose he died. Again, I am quite sure that for the rest of your life you would share with people how this person had saved your life. Please realize that Jesus Christ “jumped in the water” when you were drowning in life’s waters and placed you on solid, dry ground blessing you with a sound mind and ability to become productive.
Jesus died for you to prove how much He loves you. What is amazing is that Jesus loves everybody as much as He loves you. In addition, what Jesus has done for you He can do for anybody. And everybody needs Jesus as much as you do! That is motivating!
- What steps can you take to become compelled like Paul to persuade people to follow Jesus Christ? What do you need to do to realize how much Jesus loves you?
- The next time you take communion, remember that this worship celebration should inspire and stimulate you to share the Good News.
Lord Jesus Christ, I am overwhelmed by how much you love me. I am so undeserving of You dying for my sin. You gave Your life for me! You have changed my life. Give me eyes and ears and hands that will convey who You are and what You have done for me. Like Paul, I want to consistently share the Good News. AMEN