What always gives you hope for today and tomorrow?
Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever. Deuteronomy 5:29 NIV
The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. Deuteronomy 6:24 NIV
Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 12:28 NIV
Most of the 59 children in the sixth-grade East Harlem class “always” thought they would drop out of school just like other family members and older friends did. There was little hope of getting an education, having a career and landing a successful job. Too often people “always” reminded them that they would be no different than everyone else living in this part of New York City. Then came along self-made millionaire Eugene Lang, who turned their world upside down by offering them hope in the midst of despair. Mr. Lang had been asked to speak to this group of sixth graders with the intent of inspiring them to not follow in the footsteps of their predecessors. He wondered what he could say to these predominantly black and Puerto Rican children. Just before he got up to speak, he scrapped his notes and decided to speak from his heart. “Stay in school and I’ll help pay the college tuition for every one of you.” That promise changed those students by turning their life of despair into a life filled with hope. From that day on, they “always” anticipated a bright future. One student said “I had something to look forward to, something waiting for me. It was a golden feeling.” Nearly 90% of that class went on to graduate from high school. [Parade Magazine]
There are times that I like the word “always” and there are other times I just do not want to hear it being spoken. I don’t like the word “always” when it is associated with despair. Who wants to hear the words “You will always be in debt…. You will always fail…. It’s always your fault….You always lose it….You will always be the same as….”
On the other hand, I like to hear the word “always” when it is associated with hope. “The sun always rises” is a sentence of hope that says you can look forward to tomorrow because the sun consistently and continually rises forever. Who doesn’t want to hear an encouraging word of hope when life is unraveling? Who wouldn’t want a benefactor like Mr. Lang to come along and speak a word of hope? The really good news is that the Bible, God’s written word/voice to you, is filled with promises that give hope because of this keyword “always.”
Moses wrote the fifth book of the Old Testament, Deuteronomy, before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. In the 3 Scripture passages above, you learn that God gives principles and guidelines for living because He “always” wants life to go well for you. He does not want you to have 3 down months of living followed by 1 month of satisfaction. Your Heavenly Father does not want you to live in despair but hope so He offers to you a Godly way of living.
How does God guarantee that He always wants things to go well with you, even if the situation you are in is undesirable? Check out the following:
- God always will give hope. The psalmist was convinced. [Psalm 71:14; 119:98; 119:144]
- God is always with you. [Psalm73:3; Matthew 28:20]
- God will always guide you. [Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 58:11]
- God’s Spirit will always empower you. [Isaiah 59:11]
- God is always at work on your behalf just like a good father should. [John 5:17]
- God’s leading will always be victorious. [2 Corinthians 2:14; Psalm 10:5]
- God’s Son, Jesus Christ, always intercedes for you to God the Father. [Hebrews 7:25]
ALWAYS HAVE HOPE rather than despair. No matter how hopeless the future may appear, the word “always” assures you of God’s love and care for you. Confidence for today and tomorrow comes from the God of the “always.” You won’t always be happy but you can “always” have joy. You won’t always be liked by everyone but you will “always” be loved by Jesus, your Savior and Lord.
The key to always having hope in the bleakest hour is as Moses said in the Scripture verses above. You must reverentially fear/honor God and choose to obey His commandments and principles for living. Why not? God created you and loves you!
You will be greatly blessed when you look up all the Scripture promises identified in today’s devotional. Just don’t read the above words, read God’s Word. The Holy Bible is God’s written voice to you.
Heavenly Father, thank you for “always” being unchanging, consistent, and stable. Thank you for “always” being good, gracious, and forgiving. Thank you, Lord, that I “ALWAYS” HAVE HOPE in the midst of despair. AMEN!