Have you accepted your heavenly invitation?
Then the angel said to me, “Write this: blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” and he added, “These are the true words of God.” Revelation 19:9 NIV
Just imagine someone, who you highly respect but do not personally know, invites you to dinner at his/her home. This person has an impeccable, personable, loving character and has greatly influenced the world. Maybe it is someone like Queen Elizabeth, Mother Teresa, or Billy Graham. You receive a special delivery, by a courier, which you have to sign in order to receive it. However, your signature does not mean you have accepted the invitation. That has to be another response all by itself. Upon reflection, you realize that by accepting this invitation, your life will be forever changed. What would you do?
Sometimes the Bible uses commanding imagery and symbols to paint pictures for us to imagine just what heaven will be like. In today’s Scripture focus, the picture is a magnificently beautiful wedding reception held in heaven. There has never been anything like it. Neither will it ever be surpassed. Revelation 19:9 clearly states that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, has invited you to dine in heaven with Him at the wedding supper of the Lamb. It is the most important wedding reception you will ever attend. Have you given your RSVP?
Biblical imagery presents Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, who sacrificed His life to pay the penalty for your sin and mine. Now at the heavenly reception, Jesus, the supreme sacrificial Lamb, is the Groom. Christian believers are the Bride of Christ. See Matthew 22:2ff; 25:1ff; 2 Corinthians 11:2ff; and Ephesians 5:23ff for clarification. This indescribable picture symbolically portrays Christ’s love for you and me and anyone who chooses to believe in Him as Savior and Lord.
Jesus has invited you to join Him in heaven for eternity. While on earth, He said, “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” [Mark 1:15; see also Matthew 4:17] Stop and think about it. The Living God has extended an invitation for you to be with Him in his heavenly kingdom forevermore. In Revelation 19:9, the angel said you are a very blessed and honored person. Why? Because Jesus Christ invited you to the heavenly “wedding supper of the Lamb”. In other words, Jesus Christ invited you to confess your sin, ask Him for forgiveness, and invite Him to be your Savior and Lord. This is your RSVP. When you do this, you have accepted Christ’s invitation. Then you will be able to attend the grandest wedding reception of all time.
This is an invitation that should not be ignored, forgotten, accidentally mis-placed, discarded, postponed, overlooked, or lost. The living God has invited you to His Heavenly wedding feast. This will be the most significant wedding event you will ever attend. You are pictured as the Bride, along with other believers. How you will be honored!
Imagine a magnificent reception room. Jesus is at the head table and you along with all others, who are believers are in attendance. You are experiencing the grandeur of heaven. There is no sin, pain, sorrow, anger, prejudice, discrimination, hostility, or impurity of any kind. You are seeing Jesus Christ face to face. He died on the cross for you because you were a sinner. He did this because He loved you so very much. This reception is filled with joy, peace, singing, laughter, and of course love. Jesus Christ wanted you to be here. What a day …what a moment…what a reception…indescribable…unimaginable!
Now you can begin to comprehend why this is AN INVITATION YOU REALLY WANT TO KEEP.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ’s invitation to be a member of His heavenly kingdom, called heaven? If your answer is “YES” then you are assured some day you will attend this wedding reception. If your answer is “NOT YET” then pray the prayer below…
Lord Jesus Christ, I admit I am a sinner by nature who seeks to do my own thing without You. I believe my sinfulness separates me from personally knowing You. And I believe You are the Savior who died on the cross and paid the penalty for my sin. Today, I confess I need you to forgive me. I invite You, Jesus Christ, to be my Savior and Lord. Right now, I decide to live my life to bring glory and honor to You and not me. Make Yourself more real to me. Thank you for hearing my prayer. AMEN!