In five words or less, how valuable are your children?
Now his father, King David, had never disciplined him at any time, even by asking, “Why are you doing that?” Adonijah had been born next after Absalom, and he was very handsome.
1 Kings 1:6 NLT
When a mother took her child to the pediatrician, she said she had noticed that he had eaten dirt on several occasions. The mother said, “I’ve always heard that if a child eats dirt, there is some deficiency. Do you think his dirt-eating indicates a lack of something?” The doctor replied, “Yes, very definitely. A lack of supervision!”
King David is described as “a man after God’s own heart” but that certainly did not make him perfect. And when it came to parenting, he was far from being the best father. The above Scripture focus plainly identifies his parental shortcoming. It does not appear like he valued or loved his children as parents should. The Message offers this paraphrase: “His father had spoiled him rotten as a child, never once reprimanding him.” David did not spend quality time with his son. Adonijah did not know right from wrong or the difference between selfish and selfless. The boy did not know what it was like to have a family meal together or a father son talk. Instead, Adonijah was allowed to do as he pleased. He lived to please himself. How sad!
Godly parenting is so very important in building a healthy society. The Bible teaches that parents are to create a home that is a family haven. How is this done? Just like God, parents are to value, accept and love the lives they bring into this world. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior. Their love never blinds them to their children’s faults. This requires the parents to intentionally instruct and discipline them. Parents do this by providing a home filled with harmony and security. They involve themselves in their children’s activities and always make themselves available to talk. Parents realize they are responsible for the mental, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual development of their children. Someone said, “One’s family should be a main source of happiness - second only to God! Make your family ties tight!”
Just like a potter shapes clay into a beautiful object, so parents have the privilege and responsibility to shape their children. God created the family and wants parents to “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” [Proverbs 22:6] The Bible says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” [Psalm 127:3 NLT] Are you treating your children as a treasure given to you from God?
D.L. Moody was an influential evangelist during the late 1800s. One time after Moody had brought a soul-stirring message, a lady approached him with a very concerned expression on her face. Very seriously, she said, “Mr. Moody, you made 30 grammatical errors in the speech you just gave.” Moody responded, “You are so very kind, I’m sure there were more. There’s one thing about it: I did my best.” Then he graciously bent over as he looked into her eyes and inquired, “My friend, are you doing your best?” Hats off to all the parents [and grandparents] who can say “I am doing my best!” And please remember how wise it is for parents to ask themselves, “Am I doing my best?” Remember that God does not require parents to be perfect. He just wants them to do their best as He directs them.
Calling all parents. Do your best and prayerfully invite God to do the rest.
Here are 10 questions that parents need to ask themselves:
- Do you consider your family the most important group you belong to?
- Are you teaching your children to love, respect, and obey authority?
- Are you striving to express the Fruit of the Spirit? See Galatians 5:22,23.
- Is your communication respectful and courteous?
- Are you providing guidance for your family to grow mentally and spiritually?
- Do you make time to read the Bible and pray together?
- Are you teaching your children to worship on Sunday in church?
- Do you admit to error and ask for forgiveness?
- Are you treating each child as an individual uniquely made by God?
- Do you regularly pray for wisdom and also for each of your children?
Heavenly Father, as a parent [grandparent], I need You to help me to do my best. What a privilege it is to be a parent. You have blessed me with valuable treasures. Help me to fulfill my parenting responsibility during such challenging times. Show me Your ways every day. AMEN