What are you doing to face life’s challenges and disappointments?

by Rev. Jack Richards on July 05, 2024


What are you doing to face life’s challenges and disappointments? 


These are the men David put in charge of the music in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there. They ministered with music before the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, until Solomon built the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. 1 Chronicles 6:31,32a   NIV 


Harry and Josie attended the church I grew up in as a young boy. Harry had a very successful carpet business and Josie was a high school principal. Unfortunately, Harry went bankrupt and lost everything except their home. Subsequently, he had a nervous breakdown. For the longest time he would pray, asking God for deliverance so that once again he could become healthy. Josie, his wife, told Harry that he needed to praise God rather than petitioning God for healing. Heeding the advice of his wife, Harry decided to offer to do free janitorial work at the church. He told the pastor he did not want any pay. His daily routine began to change. While doing his work at the church, Harry began to praise God. His worship became very expressive. When vacuuming the church sanctuary, he would put worship music on and sing praises to God. One hand was on the vacuum and the other hand was lifted toward heaven. In a short time, Harry testified how worshipping God lifted him out of his depression, anxiety, and loss of confidence. 

In the above Scripture focus, these two verses stand out. Most of 1 Chronicles 6 is a long list of names of people who ministered and served in many ways in the tabernacle. The first list identifies those who had the ministry of worshipping God in song. They had a great job. Every day their spirits were lifted by God the Holy Spirit. But things changed, thank God. 

After Jesus Christ established His church on earth, the church worship team expanded. All believers are called to worship God by singing. Paul the Apostle instructed the Ephesian Christians: “Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Ephesians 5:17-19 NIV] 

Don’t try to drown your problems in alcohol or any form of substance abuse. Instead, worship God by singing. Don’t just listen to music. Instead, lift your voice to sing praise songs to God from your heart. Just like Harry, sing praises to God in every situation. Joy and peace will fill your heart, mind and soul as you worship God in song.  

Verbalize that the joy of the Lord is your strength. [Nehemiah 8:10] The power of life and death is in the tongue. Even when it is challenging to worship God, do it! The Bible says, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” [Hebrews 13:15 NKJV] Be lifted out of a poor attitude, anger, animosity, and arrogance. Sing praises to your God Who makes you victorious. 

Music in itself is powerful, but it is not the healer. The goal of singing spiritual songs is not to entertain yourself but to worship and praise the living God who is your Savior, Lord and Healer.    

You can worship God in song any time or any place. Gloom and doom will flee as you praise God in song. You do not have to be a musician to worship but you do have to be a believer. The songs that will impact and edify you will be the songs about God. The Bible says, “He has put a new song in my mouth - Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear and will trust in the Lord.” [Psalm 40:3 NKJV] 

Be sure to take time every week to worship God with believers. The Bible says, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” [Hebrews 10:25 NLT] Please do not overlook this important gathering. 1 Chronicles 6 is pointing to the importance of worshiping with other believers. You may not be able to hold a tune but as you sing with other believers your heart will be in tune with God’s heart.  



When you go to church this Sunday, someone has identified 8 things to do:  

Enter expectantly,  
     Breathe prayerfully,  
          Worship reverently,  
               Relax restfully,  
                    Greet others cordially,  
                          Leave thoughtfully,  
                                Live peacefully,  
                                     And come again soon. 


Heavenly Father, I need to learn to worship and praise You more than I am doing. Forgive me for relying on other means to face life’s challenges. I will praise you with my whole heart and life from this day forward. AMEN 

Tags: worship, praise, 1 chronicles, music ministry

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