She said to her husband, “I know that this man who often comes our way is a holy man of God.” 2 Kings 4:9
“So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.” 2 Kings 5:14
“It happened as the man of God had said… “ 2 Kings 7:18
Would you consider something that is probably not on your “to do” list today? Please think about becoming a man of God, or a woman of God.
One of the most notable ways to describe a person is to say that he is a man of God, or a woman of God. The phrase, “man of God,” appears 36 times in 2 Kings. Both Elijah and Elisha were given this honoring description. In the Bible, there are 13 books that use this term to describe someone. Even Wikipedia has an article entitled, “Man of God” saying that it is, “a Biblical title of respect applied to prophets and beloved religious leaders.”
Throughout 2 Kings and the Bible, the man of God is seen to have great influence in leading people to look to God. He is unconditionally devoted to God. His talk and his walk are authentic and consistent. He highly values knowing God.
Only one New Testament character is described as a man of God. Paul charged Timothy when he said, “But you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” [1 Timothy 6:11,12].
The really good news is that you can, “BECOME A MAN or WOMAN OF GOD.” You can be described this way. I am sure you probably disqualified yourself because you are convinced you are far from being an Elijah, Elisha, or Timothy. However, you can receive this notable honor. God said so! The Apostle Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” [2 Timothy 3:16,17]. You have been given God’s Word so that you could be taught truth, lovingly rebuked when wrong, shown the correct way after having made a mistake, and trained to live God’s ways. But why? The last part of the verse says so that you will be able to fulfill the tasks God has for you to do on earth. God has called you to represent Him, so He has made it possible for you to BECOME A MAN, or WOMAN OF GOD.
Without receiving any professional formal training that will give you a theological degree, or even becoming a full-time minister, you can BECOME A MAN, or WOMAN OF GOD. This notable description is not just for an elite few. God is enlisting 21st century Elijah’s, Elisha’s, and Timothy’s. Will you step up? Will you totally commit yourself to Jesus Christ by saying, “Lord, I will become a man of God/woman of God. I will live by Your Scripture, Your wisdom, Your ways, and Your power!”
Search through 2 Kings to find all the times the term, “man of God” is used.
Do a character study of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings. Write down all the Godly characteristics you see in these men that will help you to better understand who a Godly man, or woman, really is.
Heavenly Father, I feel I am not worthy of being described as a Godly man, or Godly woman, but Your Word says You want me to become that person. I desire what You want for me. Make me a man of God, or a woman of God, for Your honor and for Your glory, and not in any way so that I can boast, or be proud to be described this way. I am Yours, Lord! I will be what You want me to be. AMEN!