How important is the ascension to you?
I have spoken to you of earthly things, and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except one who came from heaven-the Son of Man. John 3:12,13 NIV
Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! John 6:62 NIV
I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father. John 16:28 NIV
Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” John 20:17 NIV
History is filled with turning points. A turning point is far more than just an important happening or event that occurs. It is something that causes tremendous change. The discovery of internet technology has impacted the world. World wars have caused world change. There are many other turning points that could be mentioned but there are 4 that are incomparable to all others. Here is the reason why. These 4 turning points have not only changed the past but continue to change the present and will change the future. They are the INCARNATION, the CRUCIFIXION, the RESURRECTION, and the ASCENSION. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we learn the importance of celebrating these world-impacting turning points.
Just how important is the ascension of Jesus Christ? Not much is said in sermons and not much is known by believers. Mark it down! If there is no ascension, then all Christians are missing out on some tremendous promises Jesus made. And if there is no ascension then you along with millions of people will try to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to see the resurrected Jesus. What you are about to learn is that Jesus is not there but long ago took off in the air.
If you get to see the movie entitled “The Lion King,” you will get a glimpse at the importance of the ascension. Simba was designated the king at the beginning of the movie, but he had to conquer in battle before he became king. In addition, Simba was not installed as king until he ascended Pride Rock. This symbolized that the old era was over and a new one was beginning. For Simba to claim his kingdom, his ascension to Pride Rock was necessary. This installation sealed the deal. It demonstrated that Simba was the conqueror.
Do you see the similarity? From the beginning of the Gospels, Jesus Christ was designated as the living God. This was proved possible not just because He experienced the INCARNATION, CRUCIFIXION, RESURRECTION but also the ASCENSION. Jesus had to ascend to God the Father to be installed as the King. The ASCENSION is all about the triumphant, heavenly celebration that Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The ascension is mentioned many times in John’s Gospel. Today’s Scripture focus highlights the key verses. In addition, Jesus spoke about going back to God the Father. See John 7:33; 14:12, 28; 16:10. In Luke’s Gospel and Acts, Luke records the accounts of Jesus Christ leaving earth and ascending into heaven. The ascension is a pivotal point in history. It marks the ending of Jesus Christ’s earthly life and the beginning of so much more. Someone put it this way: “In the ascension the human Jesus went to heaven, thus uniting heaven to earth. This is why the fact of a bodily ascension is important, because in a sense it completed the incarnation. In the incarnation Christ took on human flesh; in the ascension, he brought that fleshly nature to heaven.”
Unfortunately, many people and even self-identified Christians value the loving, forgiving lifestyle of Jesus but do not care whether or not He ascended into heaven. There are an increasing number of churches that celebrate the goodness and kindness of Jesus but rarely mention He left earth, is going to rapture believers and then come back to earth for a second time.
Christians celebrate the ascension for the following reasons:
- It completes redemption. Jesus came from heaven to earth to identify with man and die for man’s sin. He arose from the dead proving He had done what He prophesied. Then He ascended from earth to heaven to show His earthly work was over and now His heavenly work was beginning. Think about it. You have been forgiven of all sin and become a child of God.
- It means the Holy Spirit has come to empower all believers. Read John 16:5-10 and Acts 1 and 2. Think about it. You are filled with divine power every day.
- It proclaims Jesus Christ as the Lord of the universe and Head of the Church. Read Ephesians 1:22; 4:10, 15. Think about it. You personally know the living God.
- It gives Jesus the opportunity to prepare heaven for believers and decide when to rapture His Church. Read John 14:1-4; 16:17,18 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. Think about it. Your heavenly home has been prepared by Jesus Christ and He is personally going to come someday to pick you up to take you there to be with Him.
- It provides opportunity for Christians to do great works and for many people to become believers. Read John 14:12 and 12:32. Think about it. You can influence the eternal destiny of many people.
- It declares that Jesus is your best prayer partner. Read Romans 8:33,34; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 7:25; 8:6. Think about it. Jesus Christ is praying for you.
- It proves that Jesus is with you and never fails you. Jesus Christ is your incarnated, crucified, resurrected, ascended Savior and Lord. Read Hebrews 13:5,6; Joshua 1:5; Psalm 73:23-26. Think about it. Jesus is with you right now and always.
CELEBRATE THE ASCENSION! If Jesus Christ had not ascended to heaven, Jesus would still be earthbound in body, the Holy Spirit would not yet have come, there would be no Church, Jesus would not be interceding for you, heaven would not yet be prepared for you and the rapture would not be certain. However, you need not be concerned because Jesus did ascend into heaven. You can truly believe that Jesus is with you always just as He promised. [Matthew 28:20]
Enrich yourself by reading all the Bible verses that have been previously cited.
Thank you, Jesus Christ, that you descended from heaven to earth to demonstrate Your love for me. And thank you, Jesus, that you ascended to heaven to prove You have completed everything You came to earth to accomplish. I worship you, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus! I look forward to You coming to rapture me along with all believers just as You have promised. AMEN!