How important is the resurrection to you?

by Rev. Jack Richards on January 24, 2025


How important is the resurrection to you? 


The Lord is risen indeed,…”  Luke 24:34a NKJV 


The story is told about a son-in-law who knew how important the resurrection is. He, along with his wife and cranky mother-in-law, went on a Holy Land tour. During the trip, his mother-in-law passed away. The undertaker told the family, “You can have her body shipped home for $10,000 or you can bury her here in the Holy Land for $1,000.” The son-in-law thought about it for a while and then decided to have her body shipped home. The undertaker asked, “Why would you spend $10,000 to ship your mother-in-law home when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you spend only $1,000.?” The son-in-law said, “A man died here about 2,000 years ago. He was buried here and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can’t take that chance.”  

At Easter time, you will often hear a Christian believer exclaim, “He is risen!” In response, the hearer responds, “He is risen, indeed!” In the Orthodox and Catholic churches, this very old custom is called the “Paschal greeting.”  

In today’s Scripture focus, you will see the Biblical basis for this tradition. This address has been passed down through time because these are not just empty words.  “He is risen!” is a joyous declaration that Jesus Christ’s death was not just a sad story, but one which brings God all glory. Jesus overcame death for significant reasons. Jesus is the power over death so that you can live forevermore.  

Unfortunately, many people and even self-identified Christians admire and value the loving, forgiving lifestyle of Jesus but fail to comprehend the importance of His resurrection. Some question it. Others deny it. People appreciate what Jesus exemplified and taught about love but do not care much about whether Jesus is dead or alive. They view Jesus as an excellent role model. What do you believe about the resurrection of Jesus? Is it necessary? 

Just how important is the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Mark it down! The resurrection is a pivotal point for Christianity. The fact that Jesus Christ arose from the dead, conquering death:  

  1. proves Jesus is God. He is divine. See Luke 21:33. 
  2. assures personal salvation for all who believe and receive. See Romans 10:13. 
  3. verifies that everything Jesus said is true. See John 14:6. 
  4. underscores that Jesus will rapture believers and later return. See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.   
  5. provides peace for the present and hope for tomorrow. See John 14:27 and 16:33.  
  6. substantiates that the Bible is God’s divine written authority to man. See 2 Timothy 3:16.  

Without the resurrection, Christianity is the biggest hoax on earth. The fact that Jesus arose from the dead is not a concoction of events that people made up. This is not imagined. It is true and necessary. Paul the Apostle emphasizes the importance of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:17-20. He wrote, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life, we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead,…” Take time to read the whole chapter. Basically, Paul is saying if Jesus Christ was not resurrected then anyone who is a Christian is a fool.  

CELEBRATE THE RESURRECTION! It means God is not a myth. God proves both His identity and His work. His identity was revealed in the incarnation. His work was revealed in the crucifixion. Without the resurrection there is no proof of the incarnation. Without the resurrection there is no meaning to the crucifixion. Jesus Christ’s resurrection validates both.    

Is the resurrection necessary? Yes! Absolutely! The Gospel is only Good News if there is a risen Savior. Jesus Christ’s resurrection is proof that God is love and invites you to live the most meaningful life possible! God goes to the utmost extreme by sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ to say, “I love you and want to bless you. I do not want you to lose out. My longing is for you and Me to have a personal, eternal relationship. I gave up my Son for you! I raised Him from the dead to invite you to become my son and my daughter!”   

Without the resurrection people have to figure out how to do life by themselves. Most long to live a 70 plus year life which is marked by compatibility, harmony, peace, unselfishness and meaningfulness. How successful are people at figuring out how to live a life of significance that is marked by unselfishness? World history proves that the human race has not been doing well.   

Are you truly grateful that Jesus arose from the dead? Good Friday is stained with blood, pain, a gruesome death and a memory of an innocent man who predicted exactly what would happen.  

Now make the comparison. Easter Sunday is the celebration that Jesus Christ lives! The tomb is empty. The grave clothes are neatly folded. The angel is waiting to make the announcement that Jesus is alive and well. You can rejoice that you can personally know the living God and experience forgiveness of sin along with abundant and eternal life.  Are you celebrating the importance of the resurrection? 


Take some time to look up the Bible verses mentioned in this devotional.   


Lord Jesus Christ, I worship You. I believe You are the living Son of God. I believe you lived, died, and rose again. I believe You are here now with me.  Thank you for proving You are the One true God. I am so grateful.  AMEN

Tags: resurrection, luke, risen, empty tomb

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