What Bible verse really speaks to you about living?
For me, living means opportunities for Christ, and dying- well, that’s better yet! Philippians 1:21 TLB
I am not sure when or where it happened, but for many years, Philippians 1:21 has been the life verse I have chosen to live by. While reading the Living Bible many years ago, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to choose today’s Scripture focus as the verse I should pattern my life after.
Perhaps you are wondering what a life verse is. Allow me to explain. When you become a born-again believer, the Bible becomes your divine compass for life. You believe it is the number one way for you to get to know God and understand life. Just as you use a compass to find direction, so you use the Bible to be guided throughout life. Other books will teach you various things about various subjects. Just go to your library. However, the Bible is God’s written voice speaking to you about life now and life forevermore. The Bible says, “All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. [2 Timothy 3:16,17 NIV] Romans1 5:4 states, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. [NIV]
Each day, it is so profitable for you to spend time with God by reading His Word. Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” [Matthew 4:4] Your need for spiritual food is just as important as your need for physical food. Never starve your soul just as you never starve your body. The prophet Jeremiah said that he ate God’s Word. [Jeremiah 15:16] He knew the value of spiritual nourishment. Do you?
Why not take your devotional life one step further? Nowhere does the Bible instruct you to choose a life verse to live by, but Christians have been doing this for years. A life verse is a Bible verse or even a Scripture passage that speaks to you in a very special way. God, the Holy Spirit, has imprinted this verse on your heart. Often, a believer will commit it to memory.
But why CHOOSE A LIFE VERSE TO LIVE BY? When you choose a life verse it:
- anchors you to direct your life by the Bible, which is God’s divine written authority.
- provides you focus in helping you to maintain Godly priorities.
- strengthens you to stay God’s course and be Christ-centered in difficult times.
There are over 30,000 Bible verses. Have you asked the Holy Spirit to give you one which will anchor your decision-making, keep your goals Godly, and empower you in stressful times?
As you read the Bible, often there are times when a particular verse stands out to you. Recognize that the Holy Spirit is imprinting on your spirit this verse for a reason. Perhaps He wants you to meditate about it or to memorize it. You may be going through something in life where this verse brings you great peace and hope.
When choosing a life verse to live by, just ask the Holy Spirit to underscore a Bible verse which can become a compass for your life. Expect Him to reveal to you a verse which will direct you to discover your life’s purpose. Pray and expect Him to do this. He surely will.
This is what happened to me. When I was a teenager, God called me to become a minister. I did not know what that would entail. One day, as I was reading my Bible, the Holy Spirit impressed me to pay close attention to Philippians 1:21. I began to see 2 key guidelines that I should live by:
- Live your life with the conviction that God will fill it with numerous opportunities to share God’s love with people.
- Live your life with the conviction that as rewarding and fulfilling my earthly life will be, dying and going to heaven to be with Jesus will be far better.
My life verse has reminded me time and again that living to introduce people to Jesus Christ is an unbeatable way of living and dying will even be better. The Messenger translation summarizes my life verse this way: “Alive, I’m Christ’s messenger; dead, I am his prize. Life versus even more life! I can’t lose.”
Here are some sample life verses. Look up Psalm 16:11; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:28; and Philippians 4:13 or 4:19. My wife, Donna, has chosen Joshua 1:9 to be her life verse. Also, be open to God the Holy Spirit changing your life verse. As a precaution, be sure to stay committed to daily reading and meditating on God’s Word. See Psalm 119:105. Never let your life verse substitute the ongoing time you need each day to have a daily devotional.
As I read Your Word, the Bible, my prayer today is that You, Holy Spirit, would impress upon me a life verse in the near future. Give me a life verse that will help me to keep my life anchored to Your Word, provide me with clear life purposes, and strengthen me during trials and tribulations. Thank you, Jesus. AMEN