Why have you chosen Christ-centered living over me-centered living?
But Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:22 NLT
I remember entering a maximum-security prison in upstate New York because I had been invited to speak to a group of prisoners who had become believers. Before getting to the meeting room, I passed through 7 checkpoints. Each time a big door would automatically open, I would enter, then it would close behind me with a bang, and I would proceed to walk through a corridor to the next door where everything would repeat itself. When the 7th door banged shut, there was no way of getting out. I was locked up in this high-security prison until someone freed me. Being imprisoned kept me from fully experiencing life, loving my family, seeing friends, and realizing my potential.
Today’s Scripture focus describes how everyone is a prisoner of sin. This means everyone is not fully experiencing life until they are set free from the prison of sin. Galatians 3:22 identifies what people are by nature and what people can become by God’s grace. By nature, people are self-centered rather than God-centered. This is how to define the word “sin.” However, people do have the power to choose Godly living. But the Bible says they need to be saved.
Paul states that the whole world is in prison. People are not incarcerated in a physical detention center, but everyone is a “prisoner of sin.” No one is excluded. Regardless of race, gender, social position, education, and wealth, everyone is included. There are no bars, jailors, locks, or prison cells. People think they are free, but they are not. The Bible teaches that people are in bondage to themselves. Let it be said again. The Bible calls this sin. Jesus said that “…everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” [John 8:34] Who has not sinned? Nobody can raise their hand. Paul wrote that people are either a slave to sin or to righteousness. [Romans 8:16; 7:23,24] People deny this or ignore it.
Are you a good person? Probably you are, but there is a vast difference between good and Godly. Until you recognize your need to personally know God, you are a prisoner of sin. That means you cannot experience God’s love and receive God’s blessings.
Unbelief is the universal sin of all people. Denying or ignoring what God says about sin is rebelling against God. Read Romans 8:6-8. When people deny or ignore their sinfulness, they are at odds with God. They have chosen to put themselves above God. They do not trust God but prefer to trust themselves.
To be a prisoner of sin can only be understood by going back to Adam and Eve. They rebelled against God and His direction for governing creation. God created the first couple in His image. [Genesis 1:26] He gave Adam and Eve His divine nature along with the freedom to choose. God’s world was without sin. Adam and Eve were not prisoners of sin. Everything the world offered was at their disposal except one thing. They were not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it would lead to their death. [Genesis 2:17] When they chose to disobey God’s instruction and ate the forbidden fruit, a dramatic change took place. Do not forget. They exercised their God given will to choose. Adam and Eve plunged the human race into sin and death. They chose a self-directed nature over a divine nature. They gave up the privilege of having God’s likeness. They chose self-centeredness over God-centeredness. How foolish! From that point onward, the sinful nature has marked all human beings from birth. Human beings are born with a nature that puts themselves first.
What does it mean to be a prisoner of sin?
- Sin divides you from God. You are separated from your Creator, the One who loves you the most. It leads you to believe it is best to be your own master. Really, you are a slave to sin.
- Sin destroys your soul. You have no eternal life as God desires. [Romans 6:23]
- Sin denies your personhood. You cannot become complete and whole with Godly character as God intended for you to have. Your personality is marred. Your self-will opposes God’s will. You may be happy at times, but you do not have joy. [Romans 3:23]
- Sin detains you from experiencing your full potential. You cannot discover or experience all that God has planned for you. [Jeremiah 29:11]
- Sin desolates you. You may think you live in a palace but, you actually live in a prison called “Me.” Your self-directed nature, rather than a God-directed nature, causes feelings of loneliness, fear, worry, and devastation. Pleasure is for a moment but your life lacks joy and peace.
- Sin deceives you. Your ability to make wise decisions is so limited. [Jeremiah 17:9,10; Romans 8:11]
The prison cell of sin is so far reaching. But there is good news. Although all people are born in sin, all people can be set free from the consequences of sin by accepting Jesus Christ to be their Savior. The key to freedom from the prison cell of sin is believing God’s sacrifice for sin, namely Jesus Christ, paid for all the penalties of your sin. This is the promise in today’s Scripture focus and throughout the Bible.
Have you used your “get out of jail” card? Faith in Jesus Christ is the freeing truth that leads you from facing the frightful truth of sin. The Bible says, “For you are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.” [Galatians 3:26 NLT] Celebrate your freedom because of Jesus. DON’T FORGET THE PRISON YOU LEFT! Jesus set you free from me-centered living. Read what Jesus said in Matthew 16:24-26. Now you have a personal relationship with your loving and forgiving Creator. Life’s greatest joys result from personally knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Contemplate what your life would be like if you had remained in the prison of sin. Where would you be? Would you even be alive? Take a moment to read the Bible verses mentioned in the devotional.
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for speaking to me and leading me to trust You to be my Savior and Lord. Thank you for freeing me from sin’s prison. Thank you for showing me that as good as I was, my nature was opposed to Your divine nature. Thank you, Lord, for loving, forgiving, and blessing me! AMEN