What are you doing to make your city a better place to live?
And work for the peace and prosperity of the city, where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7 NLT
You may not agree with all that goes on in Washington D.C., but someone made that city better many years ago. The capitol city’s tallest structure is the Washington Monument which towers 555 feet high. It took 40 years to build and was dedicated in 1885. When the sun rises every day, it shines on the eastern side of the monument where the words “Laus Deo” are inscribed. The English translation of those Latin words are “Praise be to God.” This short but powerful prayer is a strong reminder of how the history of the United States has a Christian connection. People acknowledged God. “Laus Deo” is also a prayer calling on God to bless the United States with peace and prosperity. And God has!
We pray for many things, but how often do we pray for the place where we live? Have you prayed lately for your city, town, community, or country?
King Nebuchadnezzar had overtaken Jerusalem and sent a great number of Jewish people to live and work in Babylon. Jeremiah, the prophet, sent a letter from Jerusalem to the Jewish exiles. The 29th chapter of the book of Jeremiah describes the situation. One of the instructions that the Lord Almighty gave to the exiles concerned their present place of residence. Jeremiah instructed them to adjust to their unwanted living situation by heartily working and praying for the city which they now called home. He told them to seek the peace and the prosperity of that city.
Peace is a word that describes harmony. Prosperity refers to a quality of life which brings satisfaction and contentment to people. God called His people to do two things:
- Diligently work for the peace and prosperity of the city. Seek it!
- Pray to the Lord God Almighty about these matters. Why? God pointed out that the peace and prosperity of the city were directly related to their personal quality of life.
Should it be any different today for Christians? No! The Lord God Almighty longs for his people to seek Him on behalf of their city. Christians are responsible to help bring peace and prosperity to their city. Their prayers and personal witness impact the communities where they live.
It was a God-directed duty of the Jewish exiles to seek the peace of their foreign city. How much more God wants you to pursue activities and pray for the good of your city, town, or community. How are you doing that?
Christians should be model citizens. Without compromising your beliefs, seek the welfare of all the people in your city. Watch how opportunities for witnessing will begin to occur. Faithful work and prayer reaps Godly reward. To the homeless and impoverished, Christianity offers help and hope. To the newcomers, Christianity offers community and friendship. To cities torn by violence and ethnic strife, Christianity offers a forgiving perspective and new way of living.
God never wants believers to complain over difficult and unwanted circumstances. He longs to enable His people to make the best of the undesirable aspects of a city. What His people have to do is to work and pray.
Wherever you find yourself right now, pray for that place and diligently work to make it better.
Take a few moments to read what God’s Word says about praying for all government leaders. See 2 Timothy 2:1-8. Whatever the political party, God wants you to pray for those who govern over you.
Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I am praying that You would bless my city with peace and prosperity. Guide government leaders to do what is right and beneficial to all. Help me to do what I can do to make this place a better place to live. AMEN