Do you have an intense desire for all people to experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus?
"When I am weak with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the good news and share in its blessings." 1 Corinthians 9:22,23 NLT
If you want to know what it means to have a kindled heart just look at General William Booth and his wife, Catherine, who founded the Salvation Army in 1865. The above picture shows where he and his wife are buried in London, England. Throughout Great Britain is where the great Salvation Army movement began. Later, it spread throughout the world. It was characterized by zealous, compassionate Christians sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by feeding, housing, and caring for anyone in need without discrimination.
One New Year’s Eve, William Booth wanted to send a cablegram throughout the world to kindle the hearts of all the Salvation Army leaders. They were known as officers and soldiers. To keep the cost low, he sought to find one word which would inspire and motivate his co-workers to continue to be filled with Calvary love in order to touch the hurting and needy. What was that word? Before identifying it, there is something else you should know. General Booth’s life was marked by Calvary love. This is what caused his heart to be kindled. At an early age, he realized that he was living in the dark and invited Jesus Christ to become his light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” [John 8:12 NIV] Another time Jesus said, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” [John 12:46 NIV]
In the above Scripture focus for today, the Apostle Paul testified that when he was converted, Jesus so changed him that it birthed within him a kindled heart for others. Booth’s experience had been similar. When he became born again, he allowed Jesus to kindle his heart for “the least, the last, and the lost.” To the weak, William Booth became weak in order to win the weak. He became all things to all people so that people would come to personally know Jesus like he did. William Booth did whatever he could in order to share the Good News with everybody. He was deeply moved when he saw so many helpless and hopeless people living in east London. It didn’t matter what color, creed, or social status they were; William Booth saw multitudes of deprived, depraved, and dying people without any hope for the present or future. Booth began sharing how Jesus Christ could change their lives into something very meaningful. He not only preached but provided people with practical, basic necessities to live.
General Booth’s heart was so kindled, it became contagious. People began to respond to the life-changing Good News. In addition, something began to stir and ignite in the hearts of many as they realized how the light of Jesus had delivered them out of darkness. They began to join Booth in communicating his message and mission. Jesus had commanded that believers should love their neighbor as themselves. Booth was doing just that. Now he began to have helpers. This is how the worldwide army of love, called the Salvation Army, was born.
Even in his last speech, the old white haired warrior spoke with a kindled heart when he said, “While women weep as they do now, I’ll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, I’ll fight; while there yet remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight—I’ll fight to the very end!”
Do you have a kindled heart? Are you seeing people the way Jesus sees people? Jesus truly is the Light of the world. [John 8:12] People are prone to live in darkness rather than inviting Jesus to provide light into their lives. [John 1:9,10; 3:19-21; 9:3-5,39] Someone needs to direct them to Jesus, the Light. Never forget that before you invited Jesus to light up your life, you were living in darkness. Someone helped you to turn from darkness to light. Will you do whatever you can so that all people can have an opportunity to personally know Jesus Christ?
Will you become all things to all men so that some will become Christ followers?
Now let me tell you the one word General Booth chose for his world-wide message. Remember that he felt he could only afford to send out one word by cablegram in order to remind his partners in ministry to keep a kindled heart? It was only six letters long. His choice should still keep our hearts aflame. The one word he chose should greatly motivate us to share God’s love with anyone and everyone. At 18 years of age, I vividly recall seeing this word on the front of the church pulpit that faced me as I stood at an altar when I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ to
become a full-time minister. It kindled my heart then and continues to do so. What was the one word? General Booth’s cablegram read “O-T-H-E-R-S.”
- What do you need to do to have a kindled heart? What steps can you take to share your faith with others? Read John 9:4,5; 12:47; Luke 19:10; 1 John 1:5; Matthew 5:14
- Does your love for Jesus kindle another person’s heart to do the same as you?
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for lighting up my life. You have delivered me from a life of darkness and blessed me with abundant life now and eternal life for the future. My heart is kindled. I long to share with others who still walk in darkness. Help me to point people to You, the Light of the world. AMEN!