How many people will you meet in heaven because of you?
Now, Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel, the Midianite, Moses, father-in-law, “We are setting out for the place of which the Lord said, ‘I will give it to you.’ Come with us, and we will treat you well; for the Lord has promised good things to Israel.” And he said to him, “I will not go, but I will depart to my own land and to my relatives.” So, Moses said, “Please do not leave, in as much as you know how we are to camp in the wilderness, and you can be our eyes. And it shall be, if you go with us – indeed it shall be – that whatever good the Lord will do for us, the same we will do to you.” Numbers 10:29-32 NKJV
Country music singer, Johnny Cash, known as “The Man Dressed in Black,” gave his life to HELPING PEOPLE TAKE THE TRIP to heaven. When people visit his gravesite just outside Nashville, Tennessee, on his tombstone they read the words “Meet Me in Heaven.” Cash urged audiences at numerous Billy Graham Crusades to do just that. Never would he ever claim to be a good man because Cash knew what it was like to be an alcoholic, drug addict and all that entails. Johnny said, “If some lost, lonely person somewhere out there in a dirty bed, in a dark room, can see the light of Jesus Christ in me, then that is my reward.” His persevering, praying family helped Johnny to make the trip. The untimely death of his brother, Jack, along with the unceasing witness of his grandmother were some of the key reasons why Johnny Cash committed his life to honor Jesus Christ. People helped Johnny take the heaven- trip and he earnestly decided to do the same. Even after he went to heaven, Johnny made his tombstone to be an ongoing witness and invitation to become a believer.
How are you HELPING PEOPLE TAKE THE TRIP to heaven? In today’s Scripture focus, we read a short story that could easily be overlooked. It is not difficult to ask why it is even mentioned in Scripture. Just before the Israelites left Mount Sinai, Moses reached out to his brother-in-law, Hobab, inviting him to join him in making the journey to the Promised Land. Probably Hobab had come to visit or live among the Israelites while they were camped at what was known as the Mountain of God. At first, Moses’ brother-in-law refused to accept Moses’ invitation. However, the good news is he did decide to join Moses. [Judges 1:16] Rather than forgetting this story and writing it off as unimportant, please note some things about Moses and Hobab.
Moses is an example of someone who is very concerned about the eternal future of people. Are you? In the first place, note that Moses reached out to Hobab. He took the initiative to invite him to the Promised Land. Moses did not wonder whether he should or should not bring up this conversation. He felt compelled to extend this personal invitation to join him. Secondly, Moses did all of this because he was sure of his destination. Speaking with great confidence, he knew he was bound for the Promised Land and all the blessings that entailed. “Good things” were ahead because God only gives good things. Thirdly, Moses knew where he was going because he personally knew the God who had made the promise of taking the Israelites to “the land flowing with milk and honey.” God always keeps His promises. Moses was confident that all of God’s promises and blessings were his because he loved and obeyed God. He also knew that all of God’s promises could extend to anyone outside of the Jewish people. Hobab was a Midianite who God would also bless if he chose to believe. Out of love and concern for his relative’s well-being, Moses did what he did. Fourthly, Moses persisted when Hobab did not quickly accept his invitation. In actuality, he urged or begged his relative to reconsider. In addition, Moses told Hobab how he could become a great blessing by following God. Don’t forget that the cloud which led the Israelites was a symbol of God. Hobab could become the guide and scout for the Israelites. He knew the wilderness terrain, oases, and pastures. Never give up on reaching out and praying for your family and friends. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you each day to urge people to recognize their need to know God.
Hobab is an example of someone who needs to consider his afterlife or life after death. How many people do you know who need to do this? In the first place, note that Hobab does not believe in God. If he had, Moses would not have had to invite him to come along. Hobab was living with the God-fearing Israelites, but he was not a believer. You have many people in your world who do not have a personal relationship with God and do not know all the blessings that brings. Heaven is one of the primary blessings. How are they going to hear if you do not tell?
Secondly, Hobab did not quickly accept Moses’ invitation. For legitimate reasons, he said he would go back to his country and family. God’s promises of the Promised Land and all His blessings were not good enough. Hobab could not see God. He wanted something more solid and secure than a promise. In addition, his security was in familiarity, family, friends, and where he could best fit in. What people possess on earth can hold them back from possessing eternal life and personally knowing God. People are comfortable with what they know and have experienced. It is easier to keep old ways rather than stepping out in faith and living by faith. Unbelievers in your life may not quickly become believers. Don’t give up! Present Jesus to them by how you live. Pray for them.
Thirdly, Hobab made the decision to go with Moses. He left his old life behind for the new life God would give him. We don’t know when or where but we do know he did. He became a believer. Hobab broke with the past and “tried God.” He never looked back and regretted that decision. It took a step of faith. Becoming a believer is a faith venture. By faith, he took God at His Word. It appeared foolish and maybe insane. However, that one step always proves that God is real. God promises that in Jeremiah 29:13. God’s promises of things to come far outweigh anything left behind. Just like Ruth, Hobab left everything and gained everything like never before.
Johnny Cash is known for singing the hymn, “I am bound for the Promised Land. Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the Promised Land.” He believed that heaven was not a whim or a “pie in the sky” belief. Like Moses and Johnny, are you HELPING PEOPLE TAKE THE TRIP? If you are like Hobab, will you step out in faith and take the trip?
- See yourself as a tour guide to heaven. Begin to see everyone who crosses your path as someone who God wants to see in heaven. Make a list of people who you should pray for and seek out to join you on your heavenly trip.
- Read the hymn “I Am Bound for the Promised Land.” Read every verse and see what it tells you about heaven. Listen to Johnny Cash sing it.
Thank you, Lord God, for promising me heaven by giving Your Son, Jesus, to die for my sin. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit power so that I will be effective at HELPING PEOPLE TAKE THE TRIP. Thank you for making me aware of the most important trip I will ever take. AMEN!