When a believer suffers, does that mean that God does not care? What should you do when you would like to get revenge against evil people who have greatly harmed you or other believers?
God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. 2 Thessalonians 1:6,7 NIV
Ever since Jesus ascended into heaven, Christians have been persecuted and died for their faith in the one true God. Every year there are thousands of believers who lose their lives because they chose to follow Jesus. In “free countries” persecution can be experienced by being intentionally overlooked for a promotion that should have come your way or by being accused of something which did not happen. On and on it goes. Injustice and lack of fairness prevails against believers.
Often Christians can think that God is not involved in this world. They wonder if God is ignoring their prayers. Wicked people often get away with so-called murder. They do not always face the consequences for their inhumane behavior. Often it seems that wicked people become prosperous while believers seem to suffer. This has caused Christians to question whether being a Christian is really worth it. Just read Psalm 73, Habakkuk 1, and Jeremiah 12:1. Believing people have asked why God doesn’t do something right now about the evil that exists in the world.
Paul wrote to the Thessalonian Christians who were facing severe persecution and suffering because they were following Jesus Christ. In the above Scripture section, he reminded them God is just. Justice would be experienced by anyone who has mistreated believers. The persecutors will be punished. A judgment awaits people who have slain, slandered, beheaded, or abused anyone who declares himself a Christian. The writer of Hebrews declared “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” [Hebrews 6:10] Justice will be served!
God is righteous. In order for Him to be true to His character, He must punish sin. Because God is holy, He cannot allow wickedness to go unjudged or unpunished. Sometimes we see a glimpse of how God will punish the wicked. Pharaoh drowned Jewish babies, but God drowned the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. Saul tried to kill David with a sword but was slain by a sword himself. Man will reap what he sows. God assures Christians that vengeance will be His. Romans 12:19 states “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
Paul clearly assures the Thessalonians that the persecuted will be rewarded. Relief is on its way for those who stand up for Jesus. Rest will be the reward. No trouble, tension, pressure, or tribulation. There will be relief from afflictions to the point that there will be genuine, everlasting peace.
Warren Wiersbe told the story of 2 farmers. One was an atheist and the other was a believer. When harvest season was over, the atheist proudly bragged that his family had not been sick, his fields had provided an abundance of crops and he was in store for making a lot of money.
On the other hand, he pointed out that his Christian neighbor had not experienced blessings from his God. The atheist said, “I thought you said it paid to believe in God and be a Christian.” Humbly, the believer responded, “It does pay but God does not always pay his people in September.” [Be Ready, P129]
What do you have to do to have Paul’s convictions and the believing farmer’s attitude? Pray and ponder about this today!
Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I would ask that You give me a strong faith like Paul the Apostle and a heart like the believing farmer. AMEN!