What authorities help you to understand life?
Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Proverbs 30:5,6 NIV
She was nicknamed “TINA” because she believed “There Is No Alternative” to capitalism. And then a Russian journalist called her the “Iron Lady” because of her “uncompromising politics and leadership style.” What was her name? She was Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom.
IS YOUR NICKNAME TINA OR TARA? A Christian is a TINA person. He or she believes that “there is no alternative” to the Bible when it concerns life. A TARA person believes “There Are Reasonable Alternatives.” Many different sources can be consulted to bring meaning to life.
People today choose a wide variety of authorities to help them understand life. They cherish human solutions rather than Bible solutions. Many prefer human intelligence over Godly wisdom. They desire natural explanations to the point of excluding supernatural explanations. People choose relative morals rather than absolute morals. They live by secular guidelines instead of sacred guidelines. And people choose to be politically correct rather than Biblically correct.
A Christian chooses the Bible to be his or her highest written authority in life. He believes the Bible is the most important written authority regarding life now and eternally. It supersedes the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, the British Magna Carta, Canada’s Charter of Rights, and Freedom, Italy’s “Principi Fondamentali” and so on. That is why he or she is a TINA person.
But why does the believer do this? There are many reasons. In today’s Scripture focus, the phrase “word of God” refers to: 1. The written record of God speaking directly to people as He did with Adam and Eve, 2. God speaking through prophets, 3. God speaking through the Apostles, and 4. Every word Jesus Christ spoke while visiting planet Earth. This is what makes up the Holy Bible.
Proverbs 30:5,6 reveals 3 reasons why the Bible takes precedence in every believer’s heart, soul, mind, and strength. In the first place, God’s Word is without error. It always proves to be true. Psalm 12:6 states, “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.” [NIV] There are many evidences pointing to the Bible being a divinely inspired book but in the end, a person will still have to place his or her faith in believing what God has said in the Bible. Dr. Constable wrote, in his study notes, that God had made His written Word true not just to provide knowledge but to encourage people to trust God and “take Him at His Word.” That is a TINA person.
In the second place, trusting God’s Word leads to Godly protection. When you believe the Bible, God becomes your defense and safe covering. David described God as being his strength, rock fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, salvation, and stronghold. [Psalm 18:1,2] Then David testified, “I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.” [Psalm 18:3] Trusting God’s Word leads a believer to live by God’s commandments, principles, values, definitions, and standards. That is a TINA person.
In the third place, people are warned not to add to God’s Word. The Holy Bible does not need additions or traditions to make it worthy of your obedience. It does not become more authoritative or right by mixing in psychology, science theories, or philosophy. By itself, it is complete and thus completely reliable. See Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, and Revelation 22:18.
Proverbs 30:6 warns there are consequences to adding words to God’s Word. If you do, you had better get ready for God to rebuke you. He will prove you to be a liar by exposing you. Man cannot add to what God says. Man is finite and God is infinite. Man cannot comprehend someone who has no beginning or ending. A believer is thankful to receive divine wisdom form God’s Word rather than just living by human intelligence alone. That is a TINA person.
When sailing a boat or hiking through the mountains, it is best to possess the most reliable compass in order to find your way. Of course, you want the very best GPS system but should it lose the signal you will rely on a compass. God’s Word is man’s best compass for understanding life. You can get an education but that does not qualify you to be the best parent, worker, or friend. All the articles you read, seminars you attend, or podcasts you listen to will never compare to trusting God’s Word as you highest authority. What equips you for life is obeying God’s word.
Choose to be known as a TINA person when it comes to understanding life. Do not worry what is fake news or social bias. There is no alternative to the Word of God!
Take a moment to read Psalm 19. Make a list of all the words used to describe God’s Word. Be sure to underline verse 7. Also read 1 Timothy 3;16,17. Identify the ways God blesses a person.
Almighty God, I trust Your Word, the Bible, to be a divine revelation that is given to me to follow. I choose to not just read Your Word but live it. Help me, my God. AMEN!