What reminds you of God’s faithfulness and goodness every day?
What do you do to mark the places where God has helped you?
Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12 NIV
You need things in your life that will stir your memory toward what is good. It happened during the Second World War. For many nurses, it was an unusual gift that brought back wonderful memories of the past and solidified the reasons for fighting for freedom. One day a nurse, while being watched by many nurses, unwrapped a package received in the mail. To her surprise she saw a “little, frivolous black hat, with a dainty veil.” Everyone present broke into laughter mixed with tears. The nurse, who was dressed in army coveralls, noted its cuteness and placed it on her head. Once again, the room filled with laughter and tears.
Author Juanita Redmond shared how the hat symbolized what life had been like before the war. There had been the freedom to dine in restaurants, go to the theater, or attend a baseball game. She wrote, “The little hat became a popular tourist attraction to other nurses from other bases. Everyone looked, most wistfully, many with tears brimming or falling, as memories surged and emotions spilled.” [Redmond, I Served on Bataan, Lippincott 1943, pp90-91] That hat stirred memories toward what is good. It became a memorial of freedom, encouraging all who saw it to keep on keeping on.
How do you recall how God has helped you in your life? The prophet Samuel knew how important it was for the Jewish people to remember how good and faithful God had been to them. The Israelites had been dominated by the Philistines for a long time because of their unfaithfulness to God. The Philistines had even seized the Ark of the Covenant. Although the Israelites felt like God had abandoned them, it took 20 years before they turned from their ungodly ways and back to God. Samuel called the Israelites to gather at Mizpah for repentance and prayer. [1 Samuel 7:5,6] Finally, they destroyed their idols and worshiped only God. However, when the Philistines heard about this meeting, they saw an opportunity to attack. The Israelites panicked, fearing for their lives, and asked Samuel to pray for deliverance. So, he did and God miraculously rescued His chosen people. Read the story in 1 Samuel 7.
To commemorate God’s supernatural intervention, Samuel set up a stone to remind the Israelites of God’s help. He named it “Ebenezer,” which means “stone of help.” It was a memorial stone. The Israelites had been sinfully disobedient, vulnerable, and beatable. They did not deserve to be rescued by God from their enemies because they had been unfaithful to Him for so long. However, God was gracious and intervened to save them. The Ebenezer stone was a strong reminder of God’s faithfulness when God’s people are unfaithful. It was a symbol that God had never failed or abandoned them.
When you hear the word “Ebenezer” you are probably reminded of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens classic book entitled “A Christmas Carol.” He was a miserly, mean, miserable man who lived up to his name. Today people often refer to a stingy, sour-faced person as a Scrooge. My hope would be that this devotional will lead you to use the word “Ebenezer” as God has intended. When you are overwhelmed with life’s trials and you want to give up, you need to “raise your Ebenezer,” just like Samuel did. When you are facing life storms and mountainous problems too high to climb, you need to learn to thank God for being your Ebenezer, your rock solid, your unwavering and faithful help.
You need “Ebenezers” in your life that will stir your memory toward God’s faithfulness and goodness. All believers need reminders and memorials of who God is and how much God loves them. Why? Because people have wandering hearts. They are prone to forget about God and His unwavering commitment to love and bless us. It is too common for people of faith to lose perspective of God’s greatness and unending love.
Your story is not over yet. You will face trials and hard times. And you need to admit that in the good times you are prone to wander from God rather than to God. In addition, when you are alone you will tend to forget God. So, what are you doing to avoid moving away from God? How are you guarding yourself from drifting from God? [Hebrews 2:1] What “Ebenezers” are you raising up or setting in place to be monument stones signifying God’s faithfulness? What “Ebenezers” do you have that point you to acknowledge God’s bountiful blessings and help in your life? Every Ebenezer stone you set in place will loudly speak to you the words: “God has brought me to this point in life and will not leave or forsake me! Had it not been for God’s faithfulness to me, where would I be?” What are your daily reminders of God’s faithfulness and goodness?
Think about your memory. How good is it? Studies indicate that “the so-called normal memory erases 90-95 percent of information received in one day.” This is often referred to as selective memory because a person is making no effort to remember. It is “actively forgetting.” You retain what you believe to be essential. QUESTION: What is essential that you should remember about God?
Memories are formed by mental images. Samuel set up an Ebenezer. QUESTION: What are your daily mental images of God’s faithfulness and goodness? Here is a partial list of Ebenezer stones you need to set up in order to stir your memory about God’s faithfulness:
- Celebrate communion. “This do in remembrance of Me” It may be the greatest reminder. This Ebenezer stone will loudly say to you: “If you ever doubt God’s faithfulness and goodness, just look to the Cross of Calvary.”
- Say grace at every meal. This will lead you to remember to count your blessings.
- Give your day to God before getting out of bed reminds you of God’s purposes and plans.
- Decorate your home and office with Christian artwork. This leads you to daily reflect.
- Keep a spiritual journal. This stirs your mind to recall God’s faithfulness.
What happens to you when you are KEEPING TRACK OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS AND GOODNESS? What will raising your Ebenezer do for you? These Scriptures will tell you:
- It will solidify and strengthen your faith. [1 Corinthians 15:1,2],
- It will lead you to count your blessings. [Psalm 103]
- It will direct you to meditate on God’s kindness [Psalm 42:4-6]
- It will cause you to sing songs and pray during discouraging times. [Psalm 42:8]
- It will remind you that you worship the God of miracles. [Psalm 77]
- It will help you avoid sin. [Psalm 119:11]
- It will make you become wise. [Proverbs 4:5,6]
- It will lead you to live a long life. [Proverbs 3:1,2]
Lord God, You are my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. You have always been faithful and good to me. Lord Jesus, I never want to drift or wander from You. Calvary reminds me of Your love, grace, and mercy. Flood my life with symbols and images which will continually remind me every day that I am where I am because of Your faithfulness to me. AMEN