What makes you strong during adversity?
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 KJV
E. Stanley Jones, a former missionary statesman in India, told the following story that offers an insight into learning to wait. “I once saw an eagle take off from the pinnacle in Yosemite and it was a stirring site. No DC8 or 707 jet ever took off with greater power than this eagle. It was a sunny day, but a storm was approach All the little birds took to cover, got down low in the branches, down in the grass, and hid. But not the eagle. When he knew the storm was coming, he flew to the highest tree in the area, to the top post branch. And he didn’t turn his back on the storm. He perched there facing the storm. The thing he did that was impressive was the angling of his wings. Long before men learned anything about aerodynamics, the eagles instinctively knew what angle of their wing would lift them skyward when a strong wind blew. This to me has always been one of the world’s wonders. And this eagle angled his wings in such a way that when the force of the storm hit him, as it did, straight on, it lifted him straight up. And he disappeared in the clouds. Had that eagle drooped his wings, the storm would have beaten him to earth.
You need to develop spiritual wings so that when a storm hits you, it will lift you up. How do you angle your life wings and disappear into the clouds when life storms hit you? What makes you victorious when adversity strikes hard? In order to develop spiritual wings, you will have to learn to wait in God’s presence. This is what is taught in the above Scripture focus.
Waiting is probably one of the most difficult things we do. It is so challenging, but it is not a waste of time. We are used to jumping traffic lanes or checkout lines in stores. The fast-food items we consume in one week of our lives is enormous. We don’t like to wait. Sometimes we even get impatient about going to sleep at night.
On the other hand, waiting is probably one of the most valuable lessons of life to learn. Isaiah instructed believers to wait on God. Take time to connect with God. Give Him personal time.
Don’t rush this. Every day have a scheduled appointment with your Creator who loves you more than any human being. Someone said that experiencing the renewing strength of God will make you soar like an eagle, run like a marathoner, and walk like royalty.
Will you allow God to empower you to soar like an eagle, run like a marathoner, and walk like royalty? Waiting in God’s presence is the key. Be amazed at the fact that Almighty God enjoys spending time with you. He loves you and longs to pour His strength into you. Be intentional to spend time with God. Every day set aside a special time to meet with Him by reading your Bible and praying. Don’t do all the talking. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” [Psalm 46:10] Take time to be quiet in His presence. Don’t become distracted. Turn your cell phone and TV off. Get alone so nobody can ask you a question. Make this God time. Just you and your Heavenly Father together.
Don’t let the storms of life destroy you. Use them to lift you up. The eagle does not go against the storm. Instead, it uses the winds and rain to rise higher. Use the challenges and trials of life to soar above the storm. Destruction is not your destiny. Ask God to take you above life’s turbulent experiences. Allow God to equip you to handle whatever turbulences come your way.
Waiting and hope are inseparable. Hope speaks of confidence in the future. God wants to give you hope. If you claim to have hope, you have surely learned to wait in God’s presence. It is necessary for you to learn to wait. Only then will you be victorious when facing life’s storms.
What do you need to do in order to be able to learn to wait in God’s presence? Perhaps you have to #1 choose the right spot or 2 leave your cell phone in another room or #3 become amazed at the fact that the Creator of the universe wants to spend time with you or #4 ask a friend to pray that you would learn to wait in God’s presence or #5 do something else the Holy Spirit reveals to you or #6 put into action all of the above.
Heavenly Father, Almighty God, thank you for the privilege to meet with You and spend time with You. I need to do this daily. As the songwriter wrote, “I need You, oh I need You, every hour I need You, O bless me now my Savior, I come to You.” Thank you, Lord God, that You will cause me to soar like an eagle, run like a marathoner, and walk like royalty. AMEN!