What is life’s greatest joy beyond personally knowing Jesus Christ?
"Some of the traveling teachers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living according to the truth. I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth." 3 John 1:3,4 NLT
Do you know that experiencing joy greatly benefits you? Studies indicate that joyful people are less prone to a heart attack, experience healthier blood pressure, and tend to have lower cholesterol levels. Studies have indicated that having joy will boost a person’s immune system, help to fight stress and pain, and improve chances of longer life.
What gives you joy? Search the web and you will find a variety of answers. One site said that joy is discovered with simple pleasures: the first sip of coffee in the morning, taking a bath, hearing the right song at the right moment, seeing a beautiful sunset, sitting in a peaceful place, smelling clothes fresh out of the dryer, tasting your favorite desert etc. Maybe it is the joy of going to work or enjoying your home.
What is LIFE’S GREATEST JOY? Some people believe it is loving someone and being loved by someone. Others may say it is success. The Bible answers this question. In the above Scripture focus, LIFE’S GREATEST JOY is identified. Nothing will bring you greater joy than to know that family and friends are “following the truth.” Some translations capitalize the word “Truth”. So what does this verse mean? Put it this way. What is truth? It must be admitted that there are many definitions.
The Bible says truth is not a philosophy or a set of rules. It goes beyond recognizing facts and reality. Truth is not just practical thinking or following the evidence. Jesus Christ defined truth when He declared “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6, NIV] Truth is the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus just does not tell you what the truth is. Neither does He just direct you on how to discover the truth. Jesus Christ emphatically declares He is the embodiment of truth. Truth can only be discovered by personally knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
LIFE’S GREATEST JOY is knowing “your people - family, friends, associates, co-workers, neighbors” live to honor Jesus Christ who is the Truth. Indescribable joy is seeing people you love choose to become believers by making Jesus Christ their Savior and Lord. There just is no greater joy!
Why is LIFE’S GREATEST JOY seeing people become Christians? Why is there no greater joy than seeing people following the Truth? Because that is when you know “your people”:
- personally know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives,
- daily experience Christ’s presence and power,
- daily experience a God given purpose fulfilled life,
- daily receive Godly wisdom, daily know what is right and wrong,
- daily live life here knowing eternal life is provided and promised by Jesus, daily live their lives to lead others to personally know Jesus Christ.
Money cannot buy these 7 items. Success will not provide any of them. There is nothing better in this world than to possess all of the 7 things listed above. When someone makes Jesus Christ their Savior and Lord, they have joy because they know Truth.
When you see this happening, your joy cannot be contained. Some day you will see all these precious people in heaven with you. And your life example will be one reason that they are there with you. There just is no greater joy!
How many of “your people” are following the Truth? Make a list. Then you will be able to pray for those who are and those who are not. Prayer changes not just things but people.
Lord Jesus Christ, I would pray that the people I love, know, and connect with would choose to follow You, the Truth. Help me to live for You which will exemplify why they would want to live for You. Thank you, Jesus. AMEN!