How much do you care? How do you respond to hurting people? How do you want people to treat you when you hurt?
"Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble." 1 Peter 3:8 NIV
The story is told of two women meeting in heaven. Both realized they were mothers by observing their crowns and both wanted to know each other’s story:
“I would have taken my son’s place on the cross,” said one.
“Oh, you are the mother of Christ,” said the other mother, falling to her knee.
Kissing a tear away, the first mother said, “Tell me who your son is, that I may
grieve with you also.”
“My son is Judas Iscariot.” [Ortberg, Who Is This Man? P.100]
Do you know how to care, grieve, and empathize with the hurting?
Mother Teresa once said, “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or cancer. It’s the feeling of being uncared for, unwanted -of being deserted and alone.” Theodore Roosevelt said, “Nobody
cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” A hospital visitor saw a nurse tending to the sores of a leprosy patient, and said, “I’d never do that for a million dollars!” The nurse answered, “Neither would I. But I do it for Jesus for nothing.”
How much do you really care about people other than yourself and your family? Ask yourself, “How compassionate am I? Do I become a Good Samaritan when the need presents itself?” In the parable that Jesus told, the people who left the beaten, needy man behind were self-absorbed, desirous of living an easy life, and consumed by self-preservation.
The world is in great need of compassionate people. Are you one of them? As Peter writes in the above Scripture section, God calls people who name themselves “Christian” to be sympathetic, to love people, and to also be compassionate. Paul said, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” [Ephesians 4:32]
John wrote, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” [1 John 3:18]
The key to becoming a compassionate, caring person is to LIVE BY THE S E A. Studies indicate that people who live near the sea are happier, have better mental health, sleep better and exercise more. Allow me to explain.
What do you know about becoming compassionate? God is love. [1 John 4:8] When it comes to compassion, God best understands it and gives it. How well do you know God? Jesus wept out of compassion. [John 11:33] To be compassionate, you need to ask yourself, “How close am I to Jesus, the one, true living God?” Jesus identifies with us in every way. [Hebrews 4:15] Have you asked Jesus to help you identify with people in every way? If you search for God with all of your heart, you will personally encounter the life-changing God of compassion and goodness and become compassionate. [Jeremiah 29:13] Now would be the right time to invite God to fill you overflowing with His love. God will help you to become a compassionate person who will be filled with sympathy and empathy rather than apathy.
The word “S E A” will help you to remember 3 guidelines to live by while journeying through life so you can enjoy seaside living. Make sure that you do the following:
Give S YMPATHY- Acknowledge hurting people.
- Sympathy says, “I am sorry you are going through this.”
Aim for E MPATHY - Put yourself in the shoes of hurting people. Have feelings like them. Strive to reduce someone’s suffering.
- Empathy says, “I really feel your pain. How can I help you?”
Avoid A PATHY - At all costs avoid apathy. Never allow yourself to lack feeling or concern for those who are experiencing pain and hurt. Don’t turn a blind eye. Not noticing someone suffering makes a person from somewhere to being self-centered to inhuman.
- Apathy says, “I don’t care. Don’t bother me.”
For the best life possible, choose today to LIVE BY THE S E A.
Be filled with God’s divine compassion. Invite Jesus to fill you with Calvary love. Then you will learn to “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” [Romans 12:15]
Pray and ponder about things you can do to help you to “LIVE BY THE S E A.”
Almighty God, I ask You to fill me with Your divine love. I need to become compassionate like the Good Samaritan. Teach me how to LIVE BY THE S E A. AMEN!