What is sexually right and wrong before marriage?
Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem: don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe and you’re ready. Song of Solomon 8:4 The Message
Whether forward or backward, some sentences can be read both ways. Here are some examples. Read them forward and then read them backward. They read either way:
- Carefully boiled eggs are good and palatable.
- Man is noble and generous often, but sometimes vain and cowardly.
- She sits lamenting sadly, often too much alone.
In today’s devotional, we are studying from the book entitled “Song of Solomon” or “Song of Songs.” Here is a “forward/backward” sentence describing the author: “Solomon had vast treasures - silver and gold - things precious. Happy and rich and wise was he. Faithfully served he God.” Now read it in reverse.
In the Scripture focus for today, Song of Solomon 8:4 is also repeated in 2:7 and 3:5. Obviously there was a reason for underscoring this thought. The significance of these 3 verses being repeated highlights the truth that LOVE IS WISELY CHOOSING. Today’s devotional title can be read both ways: CHOOSING WISELY IS LOVE. The lesson to be learned is that love must be directed in order for it to develop in a healthy manner. It must not be directed by emotion but by the will. These 3 repeated verses are key to understanding true love between a man and a woman.
Today people believe love just happens. You fall into love. It does not require forethought because it is an emotion that is to be expressed. People often say, “It was love at first sight… Our chemistry was just right…We just clicked.” All these terms describe love being emotionally driven. But that is not the highest level of love to be given. Emotional love is incomplete love. There is a time to embrace and a time to hold back. [Ecclesiastes 3:5b]
LOVE IS WISELY CHOOSING. God says that true love is not to be based on stimulation. Love is a choice. That choice is a decision followed by an act of the will to commit yourself to someone. It is not attraction followed by arousal. Love is not stimulation or a momentary fling. This is not true love. Love is an intentional, deliberate commitment to another person. Making thoughtful and wise choices is the best form of expressing love.
CHOOSING WISELY IS LOVE. This means you decide the well-being and happiness of the person you love is top priority. You express your love by demonstrating respect, honor, and understanding. Love wants the best for the other person regardless of the cost. Many studies have shown that young people who choose to wait for sexual intimacy until after the wedding have marriages that are more stable, happy, and fulfilling. Of course, they do not run the risk of unplanned pregnancies and transmitted diseases.
There is a right time to express sexual love. Both man and woman must be ready. God’s Word teaches that marriage is the right time to express love. Both man and woman choose to love the other, decide to love the other regardless, and commit to cherish and honor the other for life. Avoid stimulation and arousal until the time is right. Don’t let feelings of love overpower God’s wisdom and your reasoning ability.
Celebrate the beauty and wonder of human love at the right time, not just any time. LOVE IS WISELY CHOOSING. Guard yourself from being damaged by being emotionally driven. Love is a thoughtful choice, not just a passive expression. CHOOSING WISELY IS LOVE. After you have wisely chosen, then unite with that person and express your oneness in flesh.
Who do you choose to love? Why do you choose to love that person? How are you loving that person as God has intended for you to do?
Heavenly Father, Almighty God, you have created me. Guide me and help me to love someone in marriage as You have intended. AMEN!