Will you publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ?
"This messenger was John the Baptist. He lived in the wilderness and taught that all should be baptized as a public announcement of their decision to turn their backs on sin, so that God could forgive them." Mark 1:4 Living Bible
President Dwight D. Eisenhower remains the only president to be baptized in water while serving in office. The 34th president of the United States was baptized 10 days after his inauguration in 1953. There is no mistake that this public service witnessed strongly to his faith.
Leaders were present and national television covered this story. Ike believed that faith was the distinguishing mark of Americans. Billy Graham told about his visit with President Eisenhower 30 minutes before he died. “Billy, I want you to tell me again how I can be sure my sins were forgiven and that I am going to heaven, because nothing else matters now.” Billy replied, “I took my New Testament and read him Scriptures. I pointed out that we are not going to heaven because of our good works, or because of money we’ve given to the church. We are going to heaven totally and completely on the basis of the merits of what Christ did on the cross. Therefore, he could rest in the comfort that Jesus paid it all. After prayer, Ike said, “Thank you I’m ready.”
What is water baptism? In the above Scripture focus, water baptism is a public announcement of a person’s decision to turn their back on sin and turn forward to follow Jesus Christ.
- Water baptism is a declaration of belief. The person standing in the water is declaring he or she believes God is the Creator, Jesus Christ is the Savior, and the Holy Spirit is his Helper. He or she believes man’s nature is self-centered rather than God-centered. The Bible calls this the sinful nature. A life change or change of heart is needed. He or she believes God insisted on giving man a chance to experience his full potential. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to make this happen. He or she must turn to God to be saved from self.
- Water baptism is a demonstration of faith…change. It is an outward demonstration of an inward salvation. God’s grace is received through faith in Jesus. [Ephesians 2:8,9] The person:
A – admits he/she is a sinner.
B - believes in the one, true, living God to change him or her.
C - confesses Jesus Christ, the living God, to be his or her Savior.
D – devotes his or her life to honoring and following Jesus Christ.
3. Water baptism is a celebration of new life. The person is testifying to personally knowing and experiencing Jesus Christ. The person is celebrating his or her death to self. This is a symbol of his funeral or burial of self. However, it is also a symbol of his or her resurrection. Water baptism expresses living a new life through God’s power.
Water baptism may be perceived by some people as humiliation. A person is immersed by another person in water before a large group of people. Why would someone humiliate themselves that way? However, water baptism is not humiliation but really an expression of humility. President Eisenhower illustrated this. His faith and humility stand out. Here was the United States President, a former Commander of the Allied Forces for the invasion of Europe, and one of the most decorated military men showing his life commitment to the greatest of all powers, Jesus Christ, his Savior and Lord.
Will you publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ? Will you publicly demonstrate your life change to honor Jesus Christ? Will you celebrate your new life by allowing God’s power to empower you?
What steps do you need to take to be baptized in water?
Lord Jesus Christ, I am so thankful that You have forgiven me of my sin and given to me a fresh start and new life. I choose to be baptized in water so that people may know my belief, my change, and my new power source for living. AMEN