Are you sure you will R I P ?
For those who follow Godly paths will rest in peace when they die. Isaiah 57:2 New Living Translation
The story is told of an old man who was attending his wife’s funeral. They had been married for many years. The pastor walked up to him as he gazed at the casket and said, “May she rest in peace.” Without hesitation, the man blurted out, “I don’t know about her, but I certainly will.”
Walk through any cemetery and you will see the letters “R.I.P” or the words “Rest In Peace” on many gravestones. It expresses the hope that a person’s soul will experience peace after death. Some people consider it a prayer that the soul of a deceased person will find eternal peace in heaven. They are wishing this for the dead person.
People need to take a closer look at the meaning of this phrase, “Rest In Peace,” from a Biblical perspective.
- No one can wish someone into heaven. Neither can someone pray someone else into heaven after the person dies. You may hope your loved one is in heaven, but you cannot do anything to make sure he or she is. Not even pray. Going to heaven to be with Jesus Christ is a personal choice, made before death. The Bible says that each person, as an individual, must declare with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in his heart that God raised Him from the dead in order to be saved. [Romans 10:9,10] This is the road to eternal life. Positive thinking or praying does nothing for a person’s heavenly status after death. Praying for a loved one while alive is what counts. Experiencing peace after death is determined right now, in the present. The thief on the cross, next to Jesus, was given a personal peace that he would be with Jesus after he breathed his last human breath. Jesus told him he would be in paradise, not hell. Are you praying for people to become born again?
- No one can look for or find peace after death. Death is the door to eternity. When you die you cannot look for the afterlife because you have already arrived. However, the question is: “Where did you go?” or “Where are you spending eternity?” The answer to your eternal destiny is decided before you die. The person who makes peace with God on earth is welcomed by God into heaven the moment he breathes his last breath. Here on earth, Jesus said you must be born twice but die once. He told Nicodemus that he had to be born again in order to be assured of experiencing eternal life. Read the story in John 3. Are you born again?
Here are the 2 all-important clarifications concerning “R.I.P.” Before you can REST IN PEACE, you must BE AT PEACE with God, your Maker. [Romans 5:1; 2 Peter 1:2; 3:14; Colossians 3:15] Make your peace now not later. During the time of the Roman Empire, many born again Christians died for their faith or fled for their lives. Found underground in Rome, are the catacombs where Christians were buried. Written on the walls are the words “He sleeps in peace.” The meaning is clear. The catacomb Christians died in peace because they were already at peace with God. They were followers of Jesus. God is the giver of peace and He wants to give His peace to you now. [Romans 15:13, 33: 14:17] Will you come to peace with God?
Before you can REST IN PEACE, you must LIVE IN PEACE with people. [1 Thessalonians 5:13; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Hebrews 12:14; Mark 9:50] When you invite Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord, He will empower you to be able to love all people and forgive them when needed. [2 Thessalonians 3:16] Live at peace with an unbeliever. [1 Corinthians 7:15] Live at peace in your country. [1 Timothy 2:2] You can be at peace with anybody when you are filled with God’s divine power to love.
Billy Graham was a well-known evangelist around the world. He wrote a book entitled “Peace with God.” In it he said, “God’s peace can be in your heart-right now…Whatever the circumstances, whatever the call, whatever the duty, whatever the price, whatever the sacrifice-His strength will be your strength in your hour of need. It’s all yours, and it’s free.” Rather than putting on your gravestone the words, “REST IN PEACE,” you will want to put “RESTING IN PEACE.”
Take some time to search out all the Bible verses regarding peace that are mentioned in this devotional. Then use them to pray specific prayers about peace.
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being my Savior and Lord. I know I am at peace with You. I am resting in the peace you give me to live now, and someday to face death. AMEN