What do you do when trouble could overwhelm you?
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 NIV
My friends were leaving home, pulling a large travel trailer, to begin a new way of living. They had been directed by God to work in an orphanage in Mexico. After much praying and careful planning, the day came for them to leave home from Massachusetts. Just a few miles down the highway, they had a major accident. Linda and Michael lay on the highway fighting for their lives. The car and trailer were a total write-off. Linda did not know Michael’s status and vice versa. It was a nightmare. The future was unknown. I recall her telling me that as she stared up to the heavens awaiting an ambulance, God reminded her of Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” That promise stabilized her heart and mind. After a very long ordeal, both husband and wife got well and were reunited. Later, they continued their mission to the Mexican orphanage where they became a great blessing.
Maybe you are at a point where you are wondering if you are going to make it. Your situation is like a 5 mile high mountain that is covered with snow. The betting odds of you climbing it and making it over the top without freezing to death are minuscule. As you lie on your bed, you know you could easily allow your thoughts to drag you down to despair. This feeling of being all alone and no one caring is so overwhelming. Fear lurks. Discouragement is looming. What can you do? Believe Joshua 1:9. Put into practice Joshua 1:9. That is what Linda did in her dark hour lying on the Mass Pike.
In the above Scripture focus, when you examine it, God commands 2 positives and 2 negatives:
- Be strong. Receive Godly strength and courage.
- Be courageous. Allow God to give you a divine boldness.
- Don’t be fearful. This is no time to be timid.
- Don’t allow discouragement in. Kick doubt and fear out.
These God given commands seem impossible and impractical when you are lying face up on the highway wondering if your spouse is alive and if you will make it. However, the last part of the verse is the key. God promises to be with you every step of the way. God is personal. He is “your” God. He, the Creator of the universe, knows you and your needs. God is present. He is “with you.” He does not dispatch somebody else to take care of you.
God is promising not to leave you alone. He will not become too busy and leave you.
Take a big breath. Believe this promise of God. Receive divine strength and courage. Banish all your fears, discouragement and doubts. God will see you through! Now and always!
What steps do you have to take to put God’s promise into practice? Who can you ask to pray with you regarding the trouble you are facing?
Almighty God, thank you for being my Heavenly Father. You have blessed me with the privilege of knowing You through Your Son, Jesus. Thank you for being with me at all times. Your presence instills confidence within me. And thank you that You will never leave me alone. That comforts me when looking to the unknown future. AMEN!