What do you need to do to make the most of every opportunity?
"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:5,6 NIV
I will never forget the time I knew I had to SEIZE THE MOMENT. Sometimes you know the moment is coming and other times the moment just shows up. In both cases you have to be ready to grab the opportunity to share the Good News.
My 33 cancer radiation treatments at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts were ending on Christmas Eve, 2020. A cancerous tumor had been surgically removed. The doctors felt I should undergo radiation and immunotherapy for 7 weeks. Donna and I had to move to Boston for this time. My desire was to show sincere appreciation to the radiation team for how they had treated me. Donna purchased a Starbucks gift card for each person, and I wrote a Christmas letter. Here is how I prepared to SEIZE THE MOMENT...
It is with a very grateful heart that I write this letter of thanksgiving to you.
God has greatly blessed me by bringing you into my life! You have provided the. fines medical treatment for my needy condition. All the time, you have not only been professional, but also compassionate and understanding.
So, I extend to you my deepest heartfelt appreciation for what you have done for me.
My prayer is this:
“Our Father who art in heaven, I pray that you would continue to greatly use this. special group of people in helping others like me. Please bless them and their families with health and protection. And I confidently pray this because You showed us how much You love us by giving Your Son to come to earth to die and to be raised from the dead for our sin. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen!”
May you have a special Christmas and blessed new year.
From a grateful heart.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the Colossian Christians to make every moment count when an opportunity to share the Gospel presents itself. Reread the above Scripture focus. I know Carpe Diem means seize the day, but Paul was concerned about being ready to seize every moment of every day. As I mentioned before, sometimes you can prepare to seize the moment because you can see it is coming, just as I did. However, you must also be ready to seize all moments of opportunity which present themselves without any warning. Let me explain what happened to me that Christmas Eve.
It was my final radiation treatment. When I came out of the “tube” the head nurse came in waving a bubble maker and was followed by the radiation team cheering and applauding me. They were celebrating my completion. How kind! Here was my opportunity to seize an unexpected moment with everyone. Just before giving them the gift cards, I sat on the bed, overwhelmed, and said, “You guys save lives, you have a very high calling, you save lives, you have saved mine. I want to thank you and please remember, in keeping with the reason for the season, Jesus came to save all of our lives.” Intently they listened. Then I gave out my Christmas letter and gift card. All of them were very appreciative.
To 3 different Christian groups, Paul instructed each to SEIZE THE MOMENT. Read Galatians 6:10 and Ephesians 5:16 along with Colossians 4:5,6. Why do you think he stressed this point?
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being my personal Savior and Lord. I do not know what I would do or where I would be if I did not know You. Help me to both seize opportunities to share the Good News that are in the making and others that just show up unexpectedly. AMEN