“When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the people will go up, every man straight in.…” The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city…!” When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; So, every man charged straight in, and they took the city.” Joshua 6:5,16,20
Have you ever wondered why the Bible instructs believers to shout to God? You probably know some people who like to shout, but most people prefer to quietly speak. God told the children of Israel to, “SHOUT TO THE LORD,” so that the walls of Jericho would collapse. Psalm 47:1 states, “Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” Check out Psalm 66, Psalm 81:1, Psalm 98:4, and Psalm 100:1.
God isn’t deaf! He doesn’t wear a hearing aid. There is no wax build-up in His ears. He has never experienced a hearing impairment. So why are we commanded to shout? Let’s admit it. Shouting centers out a person from all the rest. Sometimes it is seen as a display of anger. It certainly is an attention-getter.
The Bible instructs believers to, “Be still and know that I am God.” People of faith regularly quote this verse. Please note that there is only one verse like this, and it is very important to follow this instruction in order to get to know God. However, in comparison, believers are directed to “shout” to the Lord many different times. Why?
Read again today’s SCRIPTURE in, Joshua 6:5,16,20. The scene is Joshua, and the children of Israel are facing the invincible wall of Jericho. The Lord told them to shout to Him. That shout marked a voice of triumph and victory. It expressed very strong faith in God. Their trust was not in chariots or horses but in the powerful name of Almighty God. [Psalm 20:7]. As foolish as they may have appeared, they shouted from a heart filled with strong faith, and exuberant joy.
Darlene Zschech composed a famous worship song entitled, “Shout to the Lord.” She wrote a book entitled, “Extravagant Worship,” where she tells how she never ever imagined this song of praise would be sung around the world, including the Vatican, and before a United States president. Darlene describes how the Holy Spirit inspired her to see this insightful truth about shouting to God. It was at a very deep, and troubling time in her life when she learned the joy, and confidence of shouting to the Lord in worship. Now she lives and teaches this truth.
Darlene believes there are 2 reasons why believers are commanded to “SHOUT TO THE LORD.” In the first place, shouting expresses joy. Watch a fan who is observing an Olympic athlete, or his favorite team win, as they are embattled in a fierce competition. An excited shout erupts from within. The joy cannot be contained. The person’s inner being has to let loose with an expression of praise, and thanksgiving. Likewise, the Christian can experience the same eruption of praise, and thanksgiving. He is filled with joy because God is great and greatly to be praised. There is only one God. The believer is overwhelmed, knowing that God is awesome, mighty, merciful, and filled with endless love.
In the second place, shouting expresses confidence. Watch the fans in a stadium as their team is behind, and the opponent is only one score ahead. There are only a few minutes left to play. It is still any man’s game. They rise to their feet and begin to shout encouragement to their team. Their cheering can become like a loud roar, all because they believe their team can still defeat the opponent, and be victorious. Likewise, believers in the church will often stand and loudly sing their praises to God in the midst of trials, and adversities. They are expressing a strong faith, and joy in God to supernaturally intervene in the situations.
Let’s not forget the reason to shout, and let’s put aside any embarrassment from raising our voices. The shout of victory is to God. The shout of victory strengthens you because it expresses your faith. The reason there will be victory is because God is going to make the walls fall down. BOOM, DOWN, DONE, ALL OVER! What the shout does is send you into the battle trusting God rather than yourself, your strength, or human ingenuity. God is your strength, shield of protection, and success.
Go ahead, and “SHOUT TO THE LORD!” Express your faith in God, and the joy you have from knowing God. Watch God bring down the walls of hate, prejudice, fear, and so much more. You are a victorious believer. When the battle is raging and you say, “I praise You, God! Thank You for deliverance!” you are actually saying, “I trust You, God. You are in control. I believe You will work this situation out for Your honor and glory.”
Find a place where you can be all alone. Now lift your voice to worship, and praise God. Play some praise music, and begin to sing aloud. Lift your hands, and thank God for Who He is, and what He has done for you.
Heavenly Father, I come into Your presence lifting my voice and hands to say:
“I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You. I worship You, Almighty God, that is what I want to do. I give You praise for You are my Righteousness. I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You.” I Worship You Almighty God, Don Moen