Why do people become divided over the name “Jesus.”
Peter replied, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 NIV
Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have a give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Acts 3:6 NIV
By faith, in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see. Acts 3:16 NIV
Then they called them in again, and commanded them not to speak, or teach at all in the name of Jesus. Acts 4:18 NIV
As a boy, I remember my mother would often speak the name of Jesus. A possible crisis would be in the making, and she would say, “Jesus keep me near the cross!” That was a powerful short prayer. Jesus averted the undesirable occurrence.
I just have to speak the name “Jesus.” I just have to pray in Jesus’ name. This is how I was raised. There is power in the name of Jesus. And I just have to tell people about Jesus. I just cannot tell them about God. I just have to share with them that Jesus is God’s Son who loves them so much He gave His life so they could live. I just have to tell them they can personally speak to Jesus, the living God.
It deeply hurt me. I remember someone telling me there was nothing special about the name “Jesus.” He knew that I was a believer. He said there were many people who had that name. And then he continued by saying there were many saviors in the world. In his opinion, nothing distinguished Jesus Christ from other people with the name Jesus and all the other saviors that existed. In response, I explained why the name of Jesus was so significant. It is seen in today’s Scripture focus.
In the Book of Acts, at least 6 times people pray or speak "in the name of Jesus." Just take a moment to reread the Scripture focus for today. There is divine power in speaking the name of Jesus Christ. See Acts 5:40, 8:16, 9:27, 10:43, 16:18, and 19:5,17. The Apostle Paul even declared he was ready to die for the name of the Lord Jesus. [Acts 21:13] He did!
The name "Jesus" is used repeatedly in the New Testament. Matthew uses the name “Jesus” 225 times, Mark uses the name 214 times, Luke uses the name 239 times, and John uses the name 284 times.
Jesus clearly spoke about using His name. He said, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. [John 14:13,14 NIV] See also John 15;16 and 16:23,24.
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Even a demoniac called Jesus by name. See Mark 15:13. Demons tremble at Jesus' name. See James 2:19. But they do not bow until they are forced to. Some day they will. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus name was above all names and someday every knee would bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. [Philippians 2:9-11]
Humanity’s greatest enemy is not disease or violence but sin. Sin destroys both life and soul. The name “Jesus” is the Greek form of the Hebrew word “Yeshua” or “Joshua” which means “the Lord is salvation” or “the Lord saves.” Jesus was given this name because it declared why
He left heaven to come to earth. Jesus came to set people free from their sinful nature and guilt. [John 8:31-36; Acts 26:17,18; Romans 6; 8:1-16]
Only Jesus can set you free from sin, guilt, meanness, self-centeredness, hate, prejudice and all forms of bondage. This happens only through Jesus’ atonement. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. [John 1:29,35]
Some people may be named “Jesus” but there is only one Jesus who can save you from your sin. Down through history, many people have been saviors for a moment of time. As a boy, a man saved me from drowning. He was a savior for me. However, there is only one Savior who can give you both eternal life in heaven and abundant life on earth. His name is “Jesus.”
Salvation is only through confessing Jesus is Lord. [Romans 10:9,10] There is only one mediator between man and God. [1 Timothy 2:5] He is Christ Jesus. Saul only realized this when he had a personal encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road. [Acts 9:5,6] Have you had your personal encounter with Jesus? Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you.
There is no way that there are numerous saviors for this world. The Bible is clear about this. [Matthew 1:21,22] There is only one Jesus Christ who was crucified and resurrected. Jesus Christ is the Founder of Christianity, the Promised Messiah and Savior of the world, Head of the invisible Christian Church, Lord of Lords, King of Kings and Soon Coming God. There is no way that there are numerous flocks with different shepherds who are saviors who will someday all be in heaven. Jesus spoke about being the Good Shepherd and having sheep not of this sheep pen. [John 10:16] There are other sheep, namely Gentiles, BUT there is only one Good Shepherd, namely Jesus Christ, and there is only one fold.
There is something very special about Jesus' name. Dustin Smith, one of the composers of the song “I Speak Jesus,” said “The song came easy as it sounds. Jesse Reeves prayed over us before we started writing and just said, ‘I just want to speak the name of Jesus over these people.’ That was it. The whole prayer. Nothing more. Nothing less. When we went to write, I asked if we could write a song based on his prayer. Reeves said, ‘All I did was say the name of Jesus.’ I said ‘And that is all I want to say over my congregation, over my family, over my sickness, over depression and anxiety. All we needed was a melody because we already had the most powerful word… Jesus. There is mighty power in the name of Jesus.” [Here Be Lions worship team 2019]
Will you seize the glorious privilege to SPEAK THE NAME JESUS throughout your day?
Listen to the song “I Speak Jesus.” Go to YouTube where you will find many artists who have recorded it. Look up the lyrics. Intently listen to the song as you also read the words. Pray and ponder. Then begin to speak Jesus’ name over anyone who the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.
Jesus, I confidently come into Your presence because You are my personal Savior. I know You love me, died for my sin, and were resurrected from the grave. Because of that, I call You my Healer, soon coming King and Lord of Lords. Thank you, Jesus, for all that You have done for me. I am so grateful to You, Jesus. I speak Your name, Jesus, over my life, my family, my friends, my church and my country. Reveal Yourself in a precious, personal way. AMEN