Tatting Your Way To Blessing

by Rev. Jack Richards on May 10, 2024


How are you allowing God to bless your work? 


The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of our hands…Deuteronomy 2:7 NIV [see also Deuteronomy 12:7] 


Every time I look at the above picture, I am reminded that God longs to bless my work! I describe it as a beautiful piece of artwork. It hangs in a prevalent place in my home so that I will often be reminded of its meaning. It is called “tatting” which is a very old art form done by man’s hands. Originating in ancient Egypt and China, it involves making lace by looping and knotting a single strand of thread on a small shuttle. Someone said tatting is “a complex design that contains delicate threading.” It appears to be very fragile but, in reality, is very strong and durable.  

Previously my tatting belonged to a retired schoolteacher, named Fanny Sharp. When she gave it to me, Fanny explained the meaning of her gift by also giving me today’s Scripture focus. My friend wanted me to know the importance of doing a good job so that God could add His blessing. As I have contemplated Fanny’s gift and Deuteronomy 2:7, here are some insights I have gained about work and receiving God’s blessing. 

God longs to bless your work. He wants to bless you in what you do with your hands. Are you making the connection between your work and the blessing of God? The question is “Can God bless what you are doing?” Are you doing what God wants to bless? Is God pleased with your work so that He can bless it? Whatever you put your hand to, do you do it well enough so that God can add His blessing? 

For 40 years, God greatly blessed the children of Israel in the wilderness. Psalm 90:17 states that Moses prayed, “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands.” Today’s Scripture indicates that God answered Moses’ prayer. God blessed the Israelites with His presence. In their long 40-year desert walk, He was always with them. Never did God abandon or ignore them. In addition, He protected and provided for them. They never wanted. Obviously, God was pleased with their work. 

Just like the children of Israel were blessed by God, so you too can be blessed by God with what you do with your hands. Are you TATTING YOUR WAY TO BLESSING? 

Work INTENTIONALLY. Someone who does tatting is very intentional. So were the children of Israel as they wandered in the desert. They had to be very focused in order to survive in the wilderness. Regardless of the job, you should work on purpose. When it comes to what you put your hands to, are you deliberate in doing an excellent job? Do you give that job 100% focus? 

Work with INSPIRATION. A “tatter” desires to create a masterpiece. The children of Israel had to be very creative as they carved out a desert life. Work creatively! When it comes to your work, are you trying to make your job better and easier? Someone was inspired to create a paper clip and sticky notes. Do not be afraid to design.  

Work INTRICATELY. A “tatter” is not afraid to tackle meticulous work. The children of Israel had to work with what they had and make the most of it. When it comes to your work, do not shy away from the challenge of detail. Do not avoid doing something that is difficult or boring. Someone has to do the work even if it is a dirty job. Give great attention to everything you do. Be very careful and precise. Work patiently. Do not hesitate to do something complex. Undertake challenging tasks knowing God wants to bless you. 

TATTING YOUR WAY TO BLESSING begins now, right here and at this very moment. Just give God your hands. What you do with your hands is reflective of what you have done with your heart and mind. Make all the work you do God’s work. Then God will bless you! Teresa of Avila said, “Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”  It is in your hands that your work will bring honor to God. 


Read in the Bible the importance of God’s blessing on your work. See Deuteronomy 12:7, Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 10:4 and 18:9, Luke 9:62, Ephesians 4:28, Colossians 3:23, 1Timothy 5:8, and 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. 


Pray the Moses prayer Moses prayed in Psalm 90:17: 

You are my Lord and my God. May your favor rest upon me. Establish the work of my hands for Your honor and glory. Yes, establish the work of my hands.  AMEN!

Tags: testament, blessing, new

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