How can I make Jesus Christ my power source when facing difficulties?
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 NIV
What do you do when you are told, “You can’t do that…that’s impossible…you are not going to make it.?” How do you respond/react when the odds are totally against you? Four words too often direct the lives of people. They are “I can’t do that.” However, let me share with you the 5 words that should direct lives, “I cannot but He can!”
My father-in-law was 8 years old when he invited Jesus Christ to become his personal Savior and Lord of his life. This relationship was the key to turning all the “I can’t” moments of his life into “I can” achievements. The most outstanding trial happened when he was 17 years old. As he was lawfully riding his motorcycle, a car hit him. He was rushed to the hospital where his leg had to be amputated in order to save his life. Think about all the negative thoughts that would have rushed through this teenage boy’s mind. “I can’t work…I can’t marry…I can’t make a living…I can’t run…I can’t play sports…I can’t be normal…”
Donald MacPherson’s trust in Jesus turned that dark hour of his life into light. He lived out the above Scripture focus for today. Through the strength of Jesus Christ, he learned how to walk, run, and ride a motorcycle again. Donald did not let this disaster spell defeat for who he was and who he could become. He felt God calling him into ministry which led him to become a very influential evangelist and later a pastor both in the United States and Canada. God blessed him with a wonderful wife and family. Later in life, he even built his own retirement home. How was all this possible? Donald wholeheartedly believed that “Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” [Philippians 4:13, The Message]
The Apostle Paul testified to personally having a confidence of being able to accomplish whatever goal or problem that came his way as long as it was God’s will for him to do so. Nothing would be excluded. He knew that regardless of the activity, task, or responsibility, if God wanted him to do it, he could do it. Through the power of Jesus Christ working in him, he would be successful.
A surrendered, committed life to Jesus Christ is what makes the impossible in your life become possible. Jesus specializes in TURNING “I CAN’T” INTO “I CAN.” Jesus can fill your life with achievements. Personally, I have come to live out this verse by saying to myself 5 words, “I cannot but He can.” That summarizes Philippians 4:13. I cannot do this, but He can through me.
Are you bound by negative thinking? Do you lack the confidence to take on projects? Have you failed in the past and believe there is little hope for the future to be any different? You need to join the Apostle Paul, Donald MacPherson, and Abraham Lincoln. After many times being defeated in politics, Abe Lincoln became President of the United States. When he left Springfield, Illinois for Washington, D.C., he said to the people, “Without God’s assistance I cannot succeed, with God’s assistance I cannot fail…. He goes with me but remains with you.” Lincoln’s words reflect Philippians 4:13.
It is time to begin living a life filled with confidence that results from Jesus Christ being your power source. From this day forward turn all your “I can’t s” into “I can!” Begin to say aloud “I cannot but He can!”
Pray and ponder to discover the things you believe you cannot do. Perhaps you hesitate in learning how to drive a car, go swimming, or use a computer. Maybe you won’t go on a mission trip because you think you can’t eat the food. Give all your “I can’t” beliefs to Jesus. Ask Him for His power to fill you so that you live by “I cannot but He can through me.”
Compare what you say to what God says in the Bible:
You say “I can’t go on” – God says in 2 Corinthians 12:9; Psalm 91:15
You say “I can’t figure this out” - God says in Proverbs 3:5,6
You say “I can’t forgive myself” - God says in 1 John 1:9; Romans 8:1
You say “I can’t make it” - God says in Philippians 4:19
You say “I can’t stop being afraid” - God says in 2 Timothy 1:7
You say “I can’t stop worrying” - God says in 1 Peter 5:7
You say “I can’t work this out” - God says in Romans 8:28
You say “I can’t do this by myself” - God says in Hebrews 13:5
You say “I can’t find the strength” - God says in Matthew 11:28-30
Thank you, Jesus Christ, for being my power source. Thank you for turning my “I can’t” beliefs into “I can do all things through You, Jesus Christ, who strengthens me.” AMEN