“Have faith in the Lord your God, and you will be upheld.” 2 Chronicles 20:20
A man named Tom was hiking on a mountain when suddenly he slipped and fell. As he quickly slid down, he grabbed onto a small tree that was growing out from the side of the mountain. His life was in grave danger. Not seeing anyone around, Tom yelled, “Help! Help! Can somebody please help me?” Suddenly he heard a voice; “Yes Tom! I’m here.” Just as quick, Tom responded, “Who are you? Where are you? How do you know my name?” The voice replied, “It is I, Tom. I am God! And I am everywhere and all knowing.” Tom cried out, “Please God, save me.” God responded, “Just have faith. Let go! Trust Me!” Looking down and then looking up again, Tom blurted out, “Is there anybody else up there I can talk to?”
2 Chronicles 20 tells the story of the Moabites and Ammonites attacking Judah. King Jehoshaphat resolved to seek God for help. He called people together to pray. [2 Chronicles 20:4]. The Spirit of God spoke through a Levite minister saying, “This is what the Lord says to you; ‘Do not be afraid, or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s…’” [2 Chronicles 20:15]. Jehoshaphat was a great man of faith. As he faced this tremendous crisis and carnage, he exemplified Hebrews 11: 1 which states, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” In essence, Jehoshaphat let go and trusted God as he was hanging onto the little tree growing on the side of the mountain. God overpowered the enemy just as Jehoshaphat had promised the people. [2 Chronicles 20:20]. They put their faith in God and the nation of Judah was spared from calamity.
WHAT IS FAITH? Faith is necessary. Hebrews 11:3,6 states, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible… And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Works and deeds are fundamental to Buddhism. Strict obedience to laws is fundamental to Islam. Faith is fundamental to Christianity. Jesus said, “Have faith in God.” [Mark 11:22]. The foundation stone of Christianity is faith in the Almighty, Creator God, Who loves people. Faith is the only response God accepts from people. He does not want their money, or time, but their trust in Him.
WHAT IS FAITH? Faith always has an object. You must put your faith in something. Maybe you have heard someone say, “Just have faith and it will all work out.” The question is, have faith in what? Having faith in faith is nothing. You must put your faith in something. Here you have plenty of choices. You can put your faith in money, medical science, or education, but God wants you to trust Him. Even though you do not see Him, He invites you to trust Him above all others.
Faith is the only link between you and God. Take away faith and you do not have salvation, or righteousness. [Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 4:5; 3:22]. Take away faith and you do not have God’s power. When God is for you, who can be against you? [Romans 8:31-37]. Take away faith, and you do not have God’s blessing. With faith, you are blessed like Abraham. [Galatians 3:9].
Many years ago, there was a little white-haired old lady who was traveling from England, to the United States. The captain of the ship became concerned about her when she told him that her daughter did not know that she was coming, but God her Heavenly Father would work it out. The elderly woman said to the captain “…my Father above knows all about it, and though the United States may seem big to us, it is very small to Him.” When the boat docked in New York City, the captain delegated a ship’s officer to escort the lady to the hotel where he himself would stay. As they walked to the hotel, the officer asked the elderly woman to wait on the corner while he bought a newspaper. A police officer noticed her and supposed she wanted to be escorted across the street because of the bustling crowd of people. Having taken her to the other side, before she could protest, she now found herself without the help of the seaman. She bowed her head to pray and suddenly her attention was drawn to a group of men. Startled, she noticed her son-in-law, John. Crying out to him, he came over and asked, “How on earth did you get here?” She responded, “Why, I just came over on the boat, but I lost Mary’s letter and forgot the address, so God had to find you for me.” In amazement, her son-in-law responded, “But mother we live a long way from New York, and though for years I have worked for a company which has its headquarters here, I have never until today been in this city.” She replied smiling, “Oh, that doesn’t matter to God. Now take me to the ship‘s captain so that I can show him how my Heavenly Father has looked out for me.” Of course the captain was stunned as the elderly woman appeared and said “…I want you to see for yourself that it is not at all a foolish thing to trust God, really and truly.”
If you had the faith of Jehoshaphat, or the elderly woman in the story, what would you believe God for? How would your perspective on life change? What can you do to increase your faith?
By faith, I come into Your presence, Father God, the one, true living God. I choose to trust You with my life. Please forgive me for sometimes being weak in faith. You have greatly blessed me with so much. Increase my faith. Thank You Lord God. AMEN!