Name 3 things you are seeking in life and explain why?
Seek me and live…..Seek the Lord and live…..Seek good, and not evil, that you may live, then the Lord Almighty will be with you…..AMOS 5:4b, 6a, 14a NIV
Have you ever really blown it? And you completely went against all Godly principles. You sought after something you should have turned away from. Your deep convictions and values were all thrown out the window. It was one of your worst moments of living. Afterward, you may have thought “There is no way out… This is beyond repair… There is no use doing anything about the situation… I am a goner.”
What does God do when you are at your worst? God says ,“Seek me and live.” God directed the prophet Amos to add “Seek the Lord and live … Seek good, not evil, that you may live.” You may believe that everything is over. However, there is always hope. This is the promise wrapped up in today’s Scripture focus. But this leads to another very important question.
What do you really think God is like? In the book of Amos, God is seen as a fierce lion determined to carry out judgment on people who live ungodly lives. [Amos 1:2]
Throughout his book, the prophet Amos details the sinful way of living that leads to God’s righteous anger. The people had become “SSS.” They were Self-absorbed, Self-seeking, and Self-righteous. Yet, in his message, Amos clearly pointed out that God is also just as determined to forgive at all times. Remember today’s Scripture focus. God always invites “SSS” people to turn away from their sin and seek His mercy.
To be self-absorbed is to be wrapped up in yourself. You are egotistical. Life is all about “me.” You spend a lot of time doing self-centered things. If you are a younger person, perhaps you take a lot of pictures and post them on the Internet. If you are an older person, you spend much of your time focusing on always what is best for you. In addition, a self-absorbed person usually brings any conversation to focus on himself/herself.
To be self-seeking is to be selfish, greedy, unloving and inconsiderate. The self-seeking person listens to the voice of “ME-ISM.” The story is told of one man who was proudly “ME- oriented.” He met with his friend for dinner at a restaurant. Both of them requested filet of sole. In a short time, the waiter came back with their order. It was very noticeable that the two pieces of fish were not the same size. On the same platter was a large and a small one. One of the men proceeded to serve his friend. He placed the small piece of fish on his friend’s plate and handed it across the table. Quickly, his friend exclaimed, “Well, you certainly do have nerve!” “What’s troubling you?” asked the “serving” man. “Look what you’ve done,” he answered. “You’ve given me the little piece and kept the big one for yourself.” “How would you have done it?” the “serving” man asked. His friend replied, “If I were serving, I would have given you the big piece.” “Well, I’ve got it right, didn’t I?” said the “serving” man. At this, they both laughed. [Our Daily Bread, August 1992]
To be self-righteous is to be righteous in your own eyes. You are very over-confident about how good you really are. You can be insincere, smug, pious, and possess a holier than thou attitude. You set the guidelines as to what is good and what is evil rather than allowing God.
You are never too far gone. There is always time to seek God. Your sin is never greater than God’s love, mercy, and grace. God says “…now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” [2 Corinthians 6:2] When is it time to change? The time to seek God is now. Don’t wait. Do not postpone your privilege to seek God. Another day will not be a better time.
When you have blown it, seek God. Seek the Lord! When you have been unfaithful, lost it, overdone it, or errored big-time, seek the Lord. At the moment of your greatest failure, seek God.
Seeking the Lord is not playing hide and seek with God. He never hides from you. Instead, he patiently waits for you to realize your need for Him, His forgiveness, and His gift of giving you a fresh start. Seeking the Lord will lead you to turn away from your sin and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. It will lead you to turn to reading God’s word and prayer and worship with God’s people. Seeking the Lord means you pursue a personal relationship with your Creator and Savior. You call out for His forgiveness. He quickly gives it. God desires to be found by you when you humbly acknowledge your need for God’s forgiveness. God declares, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord.” [Jeremiah 29:12-14a NIV]
WHAT YOU SEEK IS WHAT YOU GET. Seek God and live! Seeking God will lead you to live good. God will be with you. You cannot beat that!
Who needs to hear this truth about God? If it is you, then quickly respond. Perhaps it is a friend who is depressed over his or her failures. Share this with that person. Send an email. Pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for always inviting me to seek You and live. Forgive me for going my way rather than Yours. I know I must face the consequences of my actions but thank You for forgiving me and giving me the privilege and power to seek to do good. AMEN, AMEN!