Is honesty more important to you than security?
"Then the other administrators and high officers began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling government affairs, but they couldn’t find anything to criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy." Daniel 6:4 NLT
A high-ranking executive was asked to do something for his company that had shady implications. He was issued an ultimatum. Either do what was being asked by his company or get fired. Rather than become involved in the dishonesty, he chose to be fired. The man lost his 6-figure job. WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE? What price would you pay if you were threatened about being faithful, responsible, and trustworthy?
In our Scripture focus, Daniel was being watched by some very jealous co-workers who wanted him to fail and be gone. He had been given a great deal of responsibility because, as the Bible says, “He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy.” His conspiring co-workers could not dig up any dirt on him. Daniel was not lazy, corrupt, or negligent. He made no mistakes. He did not lead a double life. There were no skeletons in his closet. What you saw at work was the way he lived at home. Daniel lived an exemplary life. Honesty was more important to him than security.
We do not know if Daniel knew the people he worked with were out to get him. However, it is safe to assume that he was aware of their tainted desires. It would be very difficult not to see them gossiping behind his back. But the question was “Just how far would they go?”
You have probably been there. People you work with don’t like your high work ethic. You are honest and a good worker. My brother, Jim, got a summer job with a town maintenance crew while attending university. The “boys” were used to relaxing when the foreman was not around. He was used to working 8 hours for 8 hours of wages. As a result, he did not last long because of the severe pressure his co-workers brought upon him. Jim chose honesty over security. He knew God had a better plan for him.
WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE? Being faithful, responsible, and trustworthy is the way to live. Think about it for a moment. Those 3 qualities describe God who loves and cares for you. Would you believe in and serve a god who was unfaithful, irresponsible, and untrustworthy? Of course not! It did not matter to Daniel what his fellow employees said, schemed, or did. Daniel drew his line. He wanted to reflect the God’s character. He knew that God loved him and would care for him no matter what happened. God had given him breath to breathe, along with capabilities and skills. Daniel was not about to forget that just because he had to face ridicule or experience the loss of a job.
Draw your line. Know what you will do and not do. Let your conduct reflect God’s character. Depend on God and not man. Trust in your loving, heavenly Father, Almighty God, to see you through. Don’t lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge God. He will direct you and provide for you. [Proverbs 3:6; Philippians 4:19] This is why honesty is far more important than security.
Ask yourself three questions in order to know where to draw the line. Whatever you are doing, always ask yourself:
- Can I be faithful to God while I do this?
- Am I being responsible at what I am doing?
- Is it clear to others that I am trustworthy?
Heavenly Father, you are faithful, responsible, and trustworthy to me. Thank you, Lord. Help me to reflect those same qualities in the world where I live. AMEN!