Do you ever pretend to be someone you are not?
I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 NLT - New Living Translation
For I desire loyalty rather than sacrifice, And the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 NASB
In the 18th century, the German sculptor, Johann Heinrich von Dannecker, worked for 2 years on shaping a statue of Jesus Christ that would have a great impact on any onlooker. At the completion of his work, he felt satisfied but decided to test his artwork on a little girl. When he brought her into the studio, he asked, “Who is that?” Quickly, she replied, “A great man.” Disheartened by the response, Dannecker realized he had failed.
The sculptor decided to start the project over again. For 6 years he worked very hard and then came the day when he invited another little girl into his studio to view this new sculpture. What would this test conclude? He asked her to identify the statue. The little girl’s eyes filled with tears as she replied, “It’s Jesus.” Now Dannecker knew he had achieved his goal.
What made the difference between the two statues? The first was art but the second was from the heart. Dannecker explained to a friend that during those 6 long years, Jesus Christ had revealed Himself to him in a powerful way. It changed his whole perspective. Then he simply transferred his vision to the marble. It was said that his portrayal of Christ’s face “was so tender and beautiful that strong men wept as they looked upon it.”
Later, Napoleon Bonaparte requested the sculptor to make a statue of Venus, the goddess of love, for the Louvre. Dannecker refused saying, “A man who has seen Christ can never employ his gifts in carving a pagan goddess. My art is henceforth a consecrated thing.” The great sculptor now realized his art was an expression of his heart for Jesus Christ.
In God’s eyes, WHO YOU ARE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU DO. The prophet, Hosea, told the Jewish people God wanted their love ever before any sacrifice. God longed for true worshippers to know Him ever before giving any form of an offering.
What you do for God is not as important as who you are in God’s eyes. People can do good deeds but have ulterior motives. They can appear to be a Christian on Sunday but live a totally different life throughout the week. Jesus knew this. That is why He quoted Hosea 6:6 two times when rebuking the Pharisees for their self-righteous acts pretending to love God. [Matthew 9:13; 12:7]
God wants your love not lip service. God wants heart worship not art worship. Dannecker realized this. He loved his artwork more than God who gave him his gifted ability. His personal encounter with Jesus changed his life. He saw that it was possible for him to do good without being good. God wants you to genuinely love and worship Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. He does not want you to give money or time without first having given Him your heart.
Sacrifice without love is empty and shallow. The Bible says, “If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” [1 Corinthians 13:3] You can give to the neediest people without loving God. You can go to church because of ritual or duty. Are you pretending to be someone you are not? God’s priority is loving Him and knowing Him. Do you personally know God? Do you love God? Don’t pretend to love God. Loving God is expressed through relationship not ritual. It becomes evident with desire and not duty.
Take some time to evaluate your heart. Have you had a life-changing moment which leads you to truly love God? What can you do to show God that you genuinely love Him? What steps can you take to better get to know God?
Loving God, thank you for loving me by giving your Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sin. I do not want to do good without personally knowing You. Change me from the inside out like you did to Dannecker. May my words and deeds be a genuine expression of my love and loyalty to You. AMEN