Are you on a personal basis with God?
"From the very first day, we were there, taking it all – we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands. The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it happen! And now we’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us. We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so that you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: we want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!" 1 John 1:1-4 Message
Dr. Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision and Samaritan Purse, told the following story:
“Some time ago a precious little girl was tucked in bed one stormy evening after family prayers. Outside, lightning flashed across the sky, and thunder shook the house. The youngster endured it as long as possible, then scurried into the front room and threw herself into her mother’s arms, exclaiming, ‘I’m afraid!’ The mother quieted her child by reassuring her of God’s presence. ‘Remember, honey,’ the mother whispered gently, ‘God loves you, and he will keep you safe.’ But no sooner than had the mother seated herself comfortably in the front room, the child appeared in the doorway again and said, ‘I’m still afraid. I know God loves me, but I want someone with skin on to love me.’ Dr. Pierce concluded by saying, ‘Jesus Christ became God with skin on for you and me.’”
God has never abandoned His creation. The Apostle John was writing his letter aiming to inspire people to know that the living God had not distanced Himself from His creation. He became human. He took on bodily form to tell and show you that He loves you, cares for you and wants a personal relationship with you.
My purpose in writing this devotional is like that of John’s as mentioned above. I long for you to experience and enjoy the communion I have with Almighty God. The reason I am very personal with the living God is because He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into this world. Long ago I learned that God longs for me to be on a personal basis with Him. Allow me to explain.
Do you believe God became flesh? If so, it will dramatically change your life. You will experience the presence of Almighty God with you 24/7 and confidently be assured you will be in heaven when you breathe your last breath on earth. The thief on the cross had that assurance. So can you! When you believe Jesus was God in flesh you can begin to believe you can become Godly. Think about how that would influence people.
In the above Scripture focus, John is speaking about the “incarnation” which is a word that does not appear in the Bible. It describes God coming to earth in flesh. This is where heaven meets earth, where the Divine becomes human. In the above Scripture focus, the term “Word of Life” refers to Jesus appearing. Previously, John, in his first Gospel, wrote, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it… and the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” [John 1:1-5; 14 NIV]
Jesus Christ became God with skin. But why? There are at least 3 reasons.
- God wanted to inform you about who He is. Jesus came to reveal who God is. God knew people are more show me then tell me.
- God wanted to identify with you in your human struggles. He wanted you to know He really does know you and all the struggles you may face.
- God wanted to intervene for your sin. Jesus Christ, the living God, left the beauty, peace, and sinlessness of heaven and came to earth so you could be forgiven of your sin. “Surely you know that Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is not part of his program.” [1John 3:5, Message]
God put skin on when He sent His Son, Jesus, into this world. The Bible says, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.” [John 1:18 NIV] He put skin on so you would know without any question, that the one true living God loves you so much that He longs to bless you with His presence and blessings. WHY GOD PUT ON SKIN comes down to this. Jesus shows you who God is, and Jesus leads you to experience Godlikeness.
What should you do to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? How can you grow your personal relationship with Him?
Thank you, God, for sending Jesus, Your Son, to earth to reveal who you are and how much you love me. I want my relationship with You to grow. Show me how I can do this. What steps can I take? AMEN!