Are you excited about being a Christian?

by Rev. Jack Richards on July 19, 2024


Are you excited about being a Christian? 


In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord, spoken by Jeremiah, the Lord moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation… Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites - everyone whose heart God had moved - prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. All their neighbors assisted them with articles of silver and gold, with goods, and livestock, and with valuable gifts, in addition to all the free will offerings. Ezra 1:1,5,6   NIV 


A Danish king named Canute is said to have ruled over England between 1014 and 1035. Surprisingly, King Canute became very upset with all the people in his court who served him. In order to remain in his favor, they would continually flatter him with extravagant praises. Again and again, he was told of his greatness, power, and invincibility. Questioning their sincerity, he decided to put this to a test. The king ordered his throne to be taken to the seashore. There he commanded the waves not to come in and get him wet. No matter how forcefully he spoke to the water, the tide paid no attention and refused to obey. Soon the waves surrounded his chair. He was not as great and powerful and invincible as people had said. One historian noted that he never wore his crown again.  Instead, the king hung it on a statue of the crucified Christ. The Danish king was greatly moved by God. What a beautiful example of humility and realizing your purpose for living. There is such a great need for Christians to be moved by God the way King Canute was. [source unknown] 

Take a look at today’s Scripture focus. We see that God moves people to do great things that will bring honor and glory to Him. God moved the heart of King Cyrus of Persia to allow the Jewish people to go back to their homeland. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to all the Jews in captivity to go back home. Many people responded to God’s urging to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and the Jerusalem wall. However, many did not but instead assisted those returning with goods that would be necessary to do the job ahead of them. Please note: 

  1. Here is a picture of some of God’s people experiencing revival. God moved on their hearts.   About 50,000 people responded to God’s call to do great things. They experienced the presence of God in a fresh way to the point that they said, “I will go…I will do…I will be…” They had been living in captivity but now they were able to once again experience a new freedom. God shone a light in their hearts about the future and they said “YES” to a new life. Just like King Canute, they humbled themselves realizing their purpose for living. 
  2. Here is a picture of many of God’s people not experiencing revival. A large number of Jewish people decided not to return. They chose not to go back to the Promised Land Instead they decided to support those returning. [Ezra 1:4,6] Unfortunately, they had settled, become secure, and had experienced material gain. They chose not to say “YES” to God’s urgings because they were content where they were. The question is whether people will respond to God moving on their hearts. God urges but He never takes away a person’s privilege to choose. 

How exciting it was for the 50,000 Jews who experienced revival. How sad that so many were not revived. 

We desperately need a revival today. Oh, that Christians would be open to God the Holy Spirit moving their hearts to experience a fresh sense of His presence, power, and purpose. When Christians realize that life is not all about them but instead all about God, churches across the country will experience a great revival. 

What will a revival look like in churches? What we learn from the Scripture focus is this:    

  1. Revival is when God shines a light in the souls of God’s people and they experience a fresh joy, peace, and purpose even though they may still be in some kind of bondage. In the midst of their circumstances, “God brightens their eyes and lightens their burdens as they serve out a hard sentence.” [The Message-Ezra 9:8] 
  2. Revival is when God’s people experience a new zest to life even though they still have to bear some consequences of their sin. This is called a “measure of revival” in your bondage. [NKJV-Ezra 9:8] 
  3. Revival is when God’s people freshly commit themselves to their true nature and purpose after having personally encountered God. 
  4. Revival is a renewed interest in knowing and serving God. 
  5. Revival is witnessing an improvement in the condition of society.  

You do not have a crown to hang on the cross, but you can bow in the presence of God on your knees and ask Him to move your heart. WILL YOU ALLOW GOD TO MOVE YOUR HEART? 


Fill in the blanks regarding what may happen you when you allow God to move on your heart: 

  1. Revival is when I respond to….. 
  2. Revival is when I return to……. 
  3. Revival is when I rebuild……... 
  4. Revival is when I repair………. 
  5. Revival is when I restore………   


Heavenly Father, loving and merciful God, will you revive me? Move my heart just as you did the 50,000 Jewish people who heard your call to do great things for your honor and glory. Let me sense your presence, power, and purpose in fresh ways. AMEN

Tags: power, purpose, revival, ezra, presence

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