With The World In Mind And You At Heart

by Rev. Jack Richards on May 17, 2024


What is the motto that you live by? 


That all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty and that you may reverence and fear the Lord your God forever.   Joshua 4:24    Amplified Version 


What is your life motto? Do you have a short phrase or saying which identifies your purpose for living? Having a life motto will help keep you on track. A motto is something you live by. These words provide for you direction when you are feeling lost and stability when facing problems. Some people live by the following mottos: No pain, no gain…Live and let live…First things first…When life hands you lemons, make lemonade…Live every day like it’s your last…Carpe Diem. Having a motto to live by isn’t absolutely necessary, but it is a major step toward creating a meaningful life. 

My life motto is WITH THE WORLD IN MIND AND YOU AT HEART. It clearly states my beliefs and goals which direct how I talk and walk. I sign most of my emails and letters citing this slogan. Where it came from, I am not sure. It is not original from me so I am grateful to whoever first spoke it. I have made it mine by choosing it to be a significant guide in my life. It clearly describes what I have purposed in life to accomplish.  

  1. My aim is to see the world as God sees it. Everything God does is WITH THE WORLD IN MIND.  I decided to do this when I realized I was a sinner separated from my Creator who knew me the best. God sees the world filled with people living without knowing and enjoying the fullness of life He has intended people to have. He created man and the world. In addition, He sees the world filled with people not only uninterested in knowing Him but also rebellious against Him. Man sinned and lost his God potential. Without exception, God sees the world filled with people whom He created and greatly loves! This is why He sees the world as worth saving. God chose to redeem man and restore him to his God-like potential. Just read John 3:16 to really see how God sees you and the world you live in.
  2. My aim is to treat you the same way God treats me. Everything God does is with YOU AT HEART.  I chose to do that when I realized how God accepted, valued, and forgave me.  God loves everyone. He has no favorites or prejudice. God loves you as much as he loves me. He does not want to bless me more than He wants to bless you. Neither does God show you more favor than He shows me. God will never be more faithful to you than He is faithful to me. WHY? Because you are at the center of God’s heart. God knows you by name. He knows your hair count, when you come and go, and every thought you think. Your Creator loves you far beyond your imagination could ever fathom. He does not distance Himself from you because He is God. Don’t forget you are one out of billions of people on planet earth. God never ignores your prayers. He hears them and answers them. As well, God never abandons you because you mess up. Instead, God forgives you and picks you up to start afresh. Your Creator, Almighty God, loves you enough to pay the highest price so that you can regain His likeness and reach your God given potential.

When choosing a life motto, it is important that it has a Biblical basis. My motto is backed by Joshua 4:24 which is the Scripture focus for today. This verse offers a Biblical explanation of the words “WITH THE WORLD IN MIND AND YOU AT HEART.”    

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience and lack of trust in God. Did God ignore or abandon them during this time? Absolutely not! One day Joshua reminded the Israelites of God’s power and love for them. He had just led the children of Israel from Jordan into the Promised Land. Miraculously God had parted the Jordan River so all the Israelites could cross on dry ground. Previously, God had parted the Red Sea. In order to underscore the importance and meaning of God drying up these two rivers, God directed Joshua and his leadership to place 12 memory stones near the crossing place. Then Joshua concluded by saying, “This was so that everybody on earth would recognize how strong God’s rescuing hand is and so that you would hold God in solemn reverence always.”  [Joshua 4:23,24 Message] 

God does everything WITH THE WORLD IN MIND AND YOU AT HEART! God did these miracles so that all people might know that the Lord God is powerful and so that you would reverentially fear the Lord your God. Everything the Creator does is because He has the world in mind and you at heart. Do you believe that? I do! 


  1. Take a period of time to pray and ponder about choosing a life motto. 
  2. Read the Bible asking God the Holy Spirit to give you a verse on which to base your motto. 
  3. Begin to share your motto at appropriate times.  


Heavenly Father, give to me a life motto based on Scripture so that I can often be reminded of You being my source for direction and stability in life.  Thank you for answering my prayer. 


Tags: heart, world, testament, new

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